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Treatment goals for RA: Is it time to transition to MOAs?

Sponsored by AbbVie Medical Affairs + Health Impact
Rheumatologists Dr. Christina Charles-Schoeman and Dr. Manish Jain discuss their approaches to setting and pursuing treatment goals for patients with poorly controlled RA after TNFis

Autoimmune Myositis: The Role of the Laboratory in Diagnosis and Phenotyping

Sponsored by Labcorp
Hear from rheumatologist Stanley J. Naides MD, FACP, FACR, as he details the clinical features of autoimmune myositis, the associated phenotypes and autoantibodies, plus the methodologies and testing options to support a myositis diagnosis.

Minimizing Steroids in Lupus

Sponsored by AstraZeneca Medical Affairs
Minimizing steroid use in patients with SLE. Learn more about when, why, and how to taper steroids and listen to experts, Dr Michelle Petri and Dr Leanna Wise, discuss key data and their clinical perspectives on these topics.

RA Risk Radar: Heart Disease, Infection, and Malignancy

Sponsored by AbbVie Medical Affairs
Listen as rheumatologists Dr. Jeffery Curtis and Dr. Jon Giles review comorbidities that can occur as a consequence of uncontrolled, or under-controlled, inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. In this conversation they share their clinical expertise on a range of topics, including risk assessment, risk management, and the importance of disease control.

Physician Case Reports: Manifestations in Patients with Severe Active GPA/MPA

Sponsored by Amgen
A review of two physician case reports. These cases are patients who presented with severe active manifestations of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) or microscopic polyangiitis (MPA).

Earlier treatment with biologics to reduce the risk of organ damage in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

Sponsored by GSK US Medical Affairs
Learn about the importance of reducing organ damage and corticosteroid-associated toxicity in SLE, and how biologics may help to change the course of the disease by targeting its underlying mechanisms.

Are your patients with moderate to severe RA getting the appropriate dose?

Sponsored by Genentech, Inc
Hear experts’ roundtable discussion with Dr. Alvin Wells, Dr. Orrin Troum, Dr. Grace Wright, and Dr. Aaron Broadwell in this video sponsored by Genentech.

Approaches for slowing organ damage progression in lupus

Sponsored by GSK US Medical Affairs
Watch our videos featuring global rheumatology experts to learn about recent advances towards slowing organ damage progression in lupus. Discover how you can implement disease modification and remission treatment goals, alongside corticosteroid tapering and the earlier introduction of biologics, to help improve patient outcomes.

Review Anifrolumab-fnia Clinical Data | Explore What’s New With Management Recommendations

Sponsored by AstraZeneca Medical Affairs
Learn more about anifrolumab-fnia and a long-term safety study. Gain insights on updates to management recommendations.

GPA: Patient and Physician Perspectives on ENT Manifestations

Sponsored by Amgen
Tune in to Dr. Spiera and Dr. Lebovics to learn about ear, nose, and throat manifestations in granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) and gain insights into daily life of a person living with severe active GPA. USA-569-80242

Collaborations in Rheumatology: A Conversation With Gastroenterology

Sponsored by AbbVie Medical Affairs
Listen as rheumatologist Dr. Kathryn Dao and gastroenterologist Dr. Amar Naik share similarities and differences in their clinical perspectives, including a conversation on some of the benefits and risks of a JAKi in each patient population.

Psoriasis for Rheumatologists

Sponsored by AbbVie Medical Affairs
Watch rheumatologist and dermatologist Dr. Saakshi Khattri and rheumatologist Dr. Shikha Singla discuss what rheumatologists can learn from psoriasis trials when making clinical decisions about psoriatic arthritis.