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Primary CNS vasculitis is hard to diagnose up front & bx data limited, but maybe reactive astrocytes (being CNS cells) might help differentiate versus mimics? We’ll take all the markers we can get
@ClevelandClinic @ChanmiLee @LCalabreseDO @RulaHajjAliMD #ACR19 ABST1717 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

CZP improves PRO and most importantly sleep in non radio graphic SPAnpatients @RheumNow #ACR19
Dr. Arthur Lau ArthurRheum ( View Tweet)

#ACR19 @rheumnow Abstr#L09:
NORD-STAR trial: DMARD vs biologic 1st line Rx for early RA
All got MTX 25mg/wk x1 month then randomized to pred 20mg/taper to 5mg/d in 9 wks v. SSZ 2g bid v. HCQ 35 mg/wk + joint injx v. CZP v. TCZ v. ABT
High remiss in all group (best w/ABT)
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

#ACR19 #rheumtwitter
@hausmannMD has a great e-poster this morning on #pedsrheum parental social media use ➡️ Over 700 parents were surveyed, can you guess how many were NOT using social media?
@rheumnow @RobShmerling @carrainc @TamarPedsRheum @DrTinyTree
Elizabeth Graef SituationRheum ( View Tweet)

Looks like giving methotrexate with pegloticase means most can complete their infusion course in uncontrolled #gout. Reduced reactions. MTX to the rescue! #ACR19 @RheumNow Abs 1236
Philip Robinson philipcrobinson ( View Tweet)

Checkpoint inhibitors in RA pts: it doesn’t matter why they flare (withdrawal of DMARD etc) - it’s manageable. Don’t deny RA patients potentially life-saving cancer immunotherapy!
@sandigursky #ACR19 ABST1339 @RheumNow following @cappelliMD’s call to arms
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

#ACR19 @rheumnow ABS1481 Corrona PsA/SpA Registy: real-world use of Apremilast +biologics happens mostly in pts who received prior biologic therapy & pts not able to achieve MDA. otherwise similar characteristics vs those initiating biologic monotherapy and biologic + csDMARDs
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

NEW Guidelines for the Management of Takayasu Arteritis at #ACR19 (in one table!)
1. Everyone should get steroid sparing tx
2. Rec TNF > TCZ
3. Monitor pts closely!
4. Don't treat asymptomatic CRP
5. Med mgmt > surgical mgmt
Overall agreed - what about role of MTX?
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

Do you feel comfortable combining apremilast with biologics in refractory/difficult to treat PsA patients ?
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

MMF potentially reduces serum levels of estrogen and progestin. Theoretically could reduce the efficacy of hormonal contraception. Consider IUDs and implants. #ACR19 @rheumnow #lupus
Maeve Gamble MaeveGamble ( View Tweet)
#RheumaTwitter celebrity @DrJuanOvalles is in the house! It was so wonderful to meet IRL! #ACR19 @RheumNow
Kanika Monga, MD DrKanikaMonga ( View Tweet)

What kind of level of disease control is enough in ANCA-associated vasculitis?
If you can get prolonged remission (BVAS=0 and PNL≥5mg/d for >2y) then you do better than even prolonged low disease activity. Something to target!
French Vasculitis Group #ACR19 ABST1684 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Certolizunab MRI study showed fewer inflammatory and structural lesions after 4y RX vs Placebo @RheumNow #ACR19
Dr. Arthur Lau ArthurRheum ( View Tweet)

#acr19 @rheumnow Draft ACR guidelines for Takayasu:
1. Use noninvasive imaging over cath based imaging
2. Use high dose GCs
3. use DMARD with GCs (MTX, AZP, LEF, MMF)
4. With refractory dz, add TNFi (NOT TCZ!)
5. Monitor dz q3-12 months if in remission
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Therapeutic gaming (non-immersive environment)
Setting & games designed to meet the patient’s goal
Patients enter a state of flow & get engaged
#ACR19 @rheumnow 4M031
Dr Irwin Lim _connectedcare ( View Tweet)

MAS is a IFNg driven disease. Upstream IL-1 family members IL-18 and IL-33 are important treatment targets in MAS. Behrens E #ACR19 @RheumNow
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

Great question from the audience -> need to be very cautious about thromboembolic issues if thinking about using JAK inhibitors in #lupus #ACR19 @RheumNow Dorner
Philip Robinson philipcrobinson ( View Tweet)

Novel preliminary MRI Composite Structural Damage Score for SI joint assessment in axSpA including scoring of MRI progression of erosion through backfill to ankylosis. #ACR19 #ACRbest @RheumNow abst #1161
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

NEW Guidelines for the Management of Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN) at #ACR19 (in one table!)
1. Go big w/biopsy
2. Cytoxan>Rituxan for severe dx
3. Follow cytoxan with GC sparing agent; stop after 18mos in remission
4. TNF for pts with DADA2
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

Patients achieving low disease activity on Tofa 11mg were able to stop MTX and maintained similar SF36 scores @RheumNow #ACR19
Dr. Arthur Lau ArthurRheum ( View Tweet)