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Is there added value of antiCarP for RA dx? THU0139. Think of ACPA as citrullination vs CarP -carbamyllation Don't know if added value for dx but CarP equally + at nearly half in ACPA + &- so could it replace ACPA and use it with RF #EULAR2019 @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Biosimilar interchangeability: different strokes for different folks...
Gerd Burmester at #EULAR2019 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

1/4 flare upon discontinuation of Immunosuppressants in a retrospective Italian SLE cohort. In short term those who discontinued did not increase damage but this could be selection biased and also pts are generally promptly treated upon flare. #eular2019 @RheumNow
Alberta Hoi tuna0sashimi ( View Tweet)

Older age of onset of sjogren's has more sicca than younger and older slightly less antibodies in a large group of Sjogrens pts from many countries. Also older mean age of onset than previous yrs like RA found #EULAR2019 @RheumNow abs THU0277
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Reade Amsterdam Gout study of 75 gout (many polyarticular) found neutrophil extracellular traps or NETS are increased in #gout patients and NETS correlate with cardiovascular risk. #Eular2019 OP0300
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

7/72 pts treated with PD-1 inh monotherapy developed de novo inflamm arthritis irAEs confirmed on USS (three PD, four greyscale synovitis). More and more centers reporting >5% inflamm arthritis irAEs - its presence is underestimated! #EULAR2019 THU0035 Sapienza, Rome @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

2. Riociguat has beneficial impact on Raynaud’s phenomenon and digital ulcers in RISE-SSC. #EULAR2019. Poster tour today FR0303 @RheumNow @BayerPharma @UMIntMed
Dr. Dinesh Khanna sclerodermaUM ( View Tweet)

Dr. van der Heijde presents results of dual neutralization of Il-17A and F with bimekizumab which may provide a new therapeutic option for patients with AxSpA. Abstract OPO231. #EULAR2019 @RheumNow #spondylitis
Hillary Norton DrHillaryNorton ( View Tweet)

Dr. Xenofon Baraliakos presents the MAXIMISE trial which showed improvement in axial involvement in PsA patients treated with secukinumab. Abstract OPO235 #EULAR2019 @RheumNow #spondylitis #Novartis
Hillary Norton DrHillaryNorton ( View Tweet)

Ciurea, Switzerland: no clear benefit of switching to IL-17i rather than another TNFi after failed TNFi in #axial #spondyloarthritis... might even be trend to reduced outcomes in men.
Nice example of real-world data challenging largely “evidence-free” dogma
#EULAR2019 @RheumNow
Stefan Siebert StefanSiebert1 ( View Tweet)

No increase in immunogenicity after switching (1 or more) from originator IFX to biosimilars in pts with #RheumatoidArthritis according to a prospective study by Lauret et al. #EULAR2019 @RheumNow #Rheumatology
Sebastian C Rodriguez-García sdlcrodriguez ( View Tweet)

GCA patients have decreased proportions of PD1+CD4+ Th cells compared to normal controls, building on previous Weyand lab work. Once again, irAEs and PMR/GCA might be friends? #EULAR2019 FRI0266 Hid Cadena from Elisabeth Brouwer’s group @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Mayo RCT on Flares in established RA randomized 150 pts to usual care or a flare (pt self declared) survey scheme found pts flaring prefer self management 62% over expedited clinic visit 32%, but intervention was no better than usual care! OP0309 #Eular2019
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Beautifully presented abstract on protective effect of LLDAS independent of baseline disease activity&damage status. Protection is higher in pts with active disease (SLEDAI >=6) and those already had damage accrual (SDI>=1). #eular2019 #aplc @EricFMorand @Monash_FMNHS @RheumNow
Alberta Hoi tuna0sashimi ( View Tweet)

Performance of ACR CRISS in different recent trials. Superior to mRSS.#EULAR2019. @RheumNow
Dr. Dinesh Khanna sclerodermaUM ( View Tweet)
Central and peripheral site readers of SI joint MRIs - how do they fare in the nr-axSpA era? #EULAR2019 THU0359 from ASAS @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)
Clinical practice-friendly VAS assessIng different aspects of Rheum diseases: physicians rated #gout inflammation, damage, and global scores as high/higher than RA. Dr Nika discusses. Let’s have high levels of gout treat-to-target strategy discussions too! @RheumNow #EULAR2019
Gout Study Group GoutGroup ( View Tweet)

Does age of onset of Sjögren's syndrome change % with sicca symptoms (dry eyes & mouth)? #EULAR2019 @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

a few presentations from RISE-SSc at #EULAR2019. @BayerPharma @RheumNow 1. Riociguat has a beneficial impact on FVC. More data to support anti fibrotic role in early scleroderma ILD
Dr. Dinesh Khanna sclerodermaUM ( View Tweet)
bilateral or unilateral knee inflammatory arthritis fully resolves in 60% at 1 yr. 10% spread. THU0674 #EULAR2019 @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)