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DESIR 708 early TNFi naive axSpA finds only 36% started a TNFi & 49% switched to a 2nd TNFi & 47% to 3rd TNFi #EULAR2019 OP0012
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

What happens when MTX-IR pts who don't respond to Adalimumab or Upadacitinib in Select compare RCT switch to other treatment? More switched out of adalimumab. Either group on average did well maybe switch to Upa a bit better but post hoc analysis. OP0029 #EULAR2019 @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Ustekinumab in SLE, SLEDAI >=6 bilag 1A or 2B, ph2 results SRI-4 at w24 published. Sustained responses acc to SRI4, PGA, joint and CLASI to w48. Clasi even had higher response at w48. Those which switched to open label showed incremental improvement. Nice. #eular2019 @RheumNow
Alberta Hoi tuna0sashimi ( View Tweet)

In a disease where there aren’t a lot of options, nintedanib reduces FVC rate of decline in SSc-ILD by >40%, independently of SSc subtype, antibody status, MMF exposure, just like it does in IPF.
Breathtaking results (so to speak) #EULAR2019 Distler for SENSCIS OP0017 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

New molecular pathway in RA. #EULAR2019 @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Tofacitinib results in Corrona over 5 yrs vs bDMARDs. Not randomized but propensity scores showed no increased serious infection, CV events and VTE found in Tofa vs bDMARDs. Slightly more HZ. Good and reassuring safety. OP0028 #EULAR2019 @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Hendrika Bootsma presents her ASAP III study- monocentre double blinded randomised controlled study of abatacept vs placebo also negative other than esspri response difference at w12 and w24. Extension phase study to w48 with US and histology results #eular2019 @RheumNow
Alberta Hoi tuna0sashimi ( View Tweet)

No point on repeating ANA testing PPV 0.01 according to this abstract by Yeo et al. #EULAR2019 #Rheumatology @RheumNow
Sebastian C Rodriguez-García sdlcrodriguez ( View Tweet)

Full house in Jaki and beyond session. S Cohen presented fenebrutinib a BTK inhibitor at doses including 200 mg bid is in TNFI-IR or Mtx-IR active pts with RA in a Phase II RCT. 12 week data were similar to adalimumab. New pathway for RA Rx maybe #OP0025
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Difficult to use existing “borrowed” conventional measures or essdai to measure change in the joint domain (most commonly affected) in abatacept study on primary Sjogren #eular2019 @RheumNow
Alberta Hoi tuna0sashimi ( View Tweet)

Disappointing @tuna0sashimi: BMS abatacept 125mg wkly in Sjogren: essdai >=5 SSA+ primarily outcome mean change in essdai. Day 169 onwards open label. Negative study using these endpoints but some positive effect on serum IgG and complements. #eular2019 @RheumNow
Dr Irwin Lim _connectedcare ( View Tweet)

Fantastic talk by Georgios Filippou highlighting how we can use US to help us differentiate DDx and clinical phenotypes. #eular2019 @RheumNow
Alberta Hoi tuna0sashimi ( View Tweet)

Empathic communication can help close the gap with patients - this is a learned skill - we need to work on it as a profession #empathy @HelenRiessMD @vmontori @JohnDavisIII @RheumNow @HealioRheum
Leonard Calabrese LCalabreseDO ( View Tweet)

Romosozumab has dual effect: bone-forming AND preventing resorption. Hitting hard with this early in #osteoporosis reduces fracture risk later when on denosumab, compared to those receiving placebo prior. Similar results when patients switch to alendronate. @RheumNow #EULAR2019
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

With OA therapeutics, there’s disease, and then there’s illness. Any disease modifying effect that might be there can get drowned out by fibromyalgia... Data on lorecivivint in Marc Hochberg’s anabolic DMOAD overview SP0013 #EULAR2019 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Filippou shows us US vs synovial exam of crystal: US more sensitive but less specific than synovial aspirate. Beware the double contour sign in CPPD mimicking gout but calcification moves discordant with the bone. #eular2019 @RheumNow
Alberta Hoi tuna0sashimi ( View Tweet)

OA is multifactorial. So why do we expect a silver bullet therapeutic solution?
Rik Lories on manipulating signaling pathways for treating OA #EULAR2019 SP0013 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

@benjaminsutu @dr_rachelblack @tuna0sashimi @RheumNow You want puns? We got puns
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Do NSAIDs work in Axial Spondyloarthritis? YES! The all work but none is better or safer than the others #EULAR 2019 abstr SP0003
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

CPPD together with syphilis and TB as the great mimicker in rheumatology #eular2019 @RheumNow
Alberta Hoi tuna0sashimi ( View Tweet)