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Even a #SLE expert who wants all #lupus Pts on
No #chronic #prednisone
Realizes you can’t get everyone off #glucocorticoids
18% May be on chronic #steroids
But she keeps trying to taper
Michelle Petri
#RNL2025 @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

M. Petri on Steroids in SLE👇
-Organ damage is higher in AA vs Caucasians-driven by CS
-CV risk increase is dose dependent:
>10 mg =2x risk
>20mg =5x risk
-Increase prednisone by 10mg =30% increased risk for organ damage! 🤯
-20mg/day >1m increases risk for…
Adela Castro AdelaCastro222 ( View Tweet)

QD Clinic - dsDNA without Lupus
Insufficient Sxs to Dx SLE, but persistent dsDNA positivity - what to do?
Features Dr. Jack Cush.
QD Clinics - lessons from the clinic, sponsored by RNL2025 in Dallas, TX; Feb 8 & 9, 2025
Register at…
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Wise person once said
If you don’t take your medications,
Shocking 1 in 3 nonadherence with
By drug levels
In young Pts with
#SLE #lupus
Michelle Petri @RheumNow #RNL2025
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Michele Petri @RheumNow #RNL2025
1 mg of prednisone -> 3% increased risk of damage
Taper quickly, withdrawal slowly
Make sure background therapy is on - monitor therapy with HCQ levels, early use of additional Rx
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Predicting #PsA
PRESTO study #obvious risks are #predictive
Alexis R Ogdie @RheumNow #RNL2025
bad PsO 2X ^PsA
High BMI
Modifiable risks #psoriasis #psoriatic #arthritis
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Can AI pass the rheumatology boards? Yes! 🤯
Stay tuned for more interesting rheumatology pearls at RheumNow Live 2025!
#RNL2025 @RheumNow
Adela Castro AdelaCastro222 ( View Tweet)

🏈Kick-off of @RheumNow w Jeff Curtis #RNL2025 🏈
AI in RA?
Can help with Rheum Boards Questions, though AI is not confident in answers
May not be better than paper charts for triage
Other roles: pt chatbot, AI scribe, research populations, generate DDx, consume guidelines
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Who’s liable for an incorrect #AI diagnosis or medical advice? @rheumnow #RNL2025 @RADoctor
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Where is the best future of AI in rheumatology in 2 years?
@RheumNow #RNL2025
Jeff Curtis, AI in Rheumatology
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Different types of IFNs have different actions and signaling pathways. Dr. Crow #RNL2025 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Some pearls from RA POD at #RNL2025
-What do rheumatologists want from AI: Right drug for right patient, improving documenting in less time and possibly include multimorbidity management?
-Utilize AI as enhancer not replacement of the physician. AI must be trained well in a…
Adela Castro AdelaCastro222 ( View Tweet)

ACR Commends Legislation Addressing Harmful Medicare Payment Cuts to Physicians
The ACR applauded the bipartisan introduction of the Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act of 2025, legislation to fully offset the harmful 2.8% cut in the Medicare Physician Fee…
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

OK this is ‘HOT’
App on phone for a
#thermal #camera
Of hands 🙌
If #hot➡️ flare of #inflammatory #arthritis
And call for a #follow up apt
If not — then not a flare
#AI #artificial #intelligence
#rheumatoid #arthritis
@RheumNow #RNL25
Jeff Curtis AI in #rheum
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

How can AI be useful for RA pts and rheumatologists?
-AI models have the potential for improving diagnosis, management and outcomes in RA pts.
-Can also improve efficiency and clinic workflow.
-Not so perfect as it sounds (hallucinations, limited accuracy)
#RNL2025 @RheumNow
Adela Castro AdelaCastro222 ( View Tweet)

AI models require good Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
But: PPV decreases as prevalence decreases
- In choosing a successful biologic:
Harder to predict more challenging patients (multiple failures, co-morbidities, etc) - ACR50 non-response is higher
J Curtis
@RheumNow #RNL2025
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

#AI can help with Value Based Care…a year in remission for RA will save a lot of money. @RADoctor @rheumnow #RNL2025
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Late onset RA (LORA) aka RA diagnosed at an older age — pts have higher inflammatory markers, presents like PMR; they also have polypharmacy, comorbidities, frailty, etc that can complicate management
@UnaMakris #RNL2025 @RheumNow #GeriRheum
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

@UnaMakris #RNL25 @RheumNow
Older patients w RA
1/3 of pts onset >60-65
- More acute onset, more systemic, more PMR-like, larger jts
- Higher IL-6, lower TNF-a, less RF, higher ESR
-Co-morbidities, polypharmacy, cognition, depression
Age does not equal frailty, but does correlate
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Rheumatic diseases become more common with aging, dramatically so. @UnaMakris @RheumNow #RNL2025
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)