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STAR responder may be the way to go! Less placebo effect than CREST.
Better in patients with low systemic activity.
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

A fantastic tool LupusGPT by @LupusEurope for our patients to help self-manage #SLE was launched yesterday. Building on information from Lupus100 & supplemented by scientific data and relevant guidelines. I have tried it and worked well. Please disseminate
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

New drug TAK-279 (zasocitinib) shows promise for #PsA Significantly improved symptoms in patients after 12 weeks compared to placebo & well-tolerated.
Fewer targeted oral therapies exist, making zasocitinib a potential new option. #EULAR24 #PsA
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases ARD_BMJ ( View Tweet)

Today, on National Career Nursing Assistants Day, we celebrate the nursing assistants who enhance the lives of our families and loved ones every day! Take a moment to express your gratitude for their care and hard work. #CareerNurseAssistantsDay
Rheumatology Nurses RNSociety ( View Tweet)

40% women above 60yo have #osteoarthritis. 25% have hand OA #EULAR24
Vasco C Romao romaovc ( View Tweet)

predict secukinumab response but left out half of patient population ? selection bias @rheumnow #EULAR2024
Peter Nash drpnash ( View Tweet)

21-24% of #APS patients have #metabolic syndrome
Also ⬆️ rates if atherosclerotic plaque progression in pts with #AntiPhospholipidSyndrome
By @MariaTektonidou
Dr Gurdeep S Dulay gurdeep_dulay ( View Tweet)

Fantastic presentation from @MiaRodziewicz using BILAG-BR data:
⭐️NPSLE had higher damage / disease activity
⭐️ NPSLE more likely to have APS ab
⭐️ RTX appears effective in NPSLE (no trials)
Sarah Dyball sarahdyball1 ( View Tweet)

Great results presented at #EULAR24 by Greg Dresler on CD19/BCMA CAR T-cell therapy. 18 additional SLE patients with great response. @LUPUSDK @LupusEurope
Anne Troldborg TroldborgAnne ( View Tweet)

Another excellent oral presentation from UPMC myositis center by Shiri Keret at #EULAR2024. She showed that many myositis patient may have normal CK despite muscle weakness. However, CK is associated with outcomes over time even in patients with normal or near normal CK,…
Rohit Aggarwal docrota ( View Tweet)

✅ Updated pipeline of phase 2 & 3 trials in #Lupus ⬇️ #EULAR2024
Please let me know if something is missing or incorrect 👍
Laurent ARNAUD Lupusreference ( View Tweet)

John H Stone’s #IgG4RD lessons:
1-It is a variable-vessel vasculitis
2-more common/severe in males (2:1)
3-Has no diagnostic histopathology
4-IgG4 does not cause IgG4RD
5-Serum igg4 is a good biomarker
6-Rising IgG4 shouldn’t be ignored
Vasco C Romao romaovc ( View Tweet)

#EULAR2024 the benefit of in person conference. Meeting colleagues IRL @KDAO2011 @RADoctor
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

RA specific bone signatures (markers) detected by machine learning. Abst#0125
Dkk1 increased in erosive RA #EULAR2024 @RheumNow
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

Fibroblasts activated -> secrete chemokines which lead to granzyme K production inturn leading to damage to mitochondria - release of mitochondrial DNA and production of interferon type 1 which ultimately lead to infiltrates (which contribute to the worsening saliva production)
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

Single cell analysis with 12 groups
Those patient without lymphocytic infiltrates were different!
Mitochondria were the differentiator in these patients.
Fibroblasts and CD8+ T cells are the most actively communicating cells. - Chemokines and ECM
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

Tenosynovitis, bone marrow lesions and synovitis quantification in #RA #MRI
Labelled data and training sets are the key!
#EULAR2024 @rheumnow abst#0190
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

Deep learning software to evaluate CTD-ILD abst#0167
Lots of computer vision/ imaging performance studies at #EULAR2024
Using segmentation to evaluate lung abnormalities @rheumnow
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

🗣️Lowering glucocorticoids dose remains a key goal in #lupus management
Prof @EricFMorand at #EULAR2024
#letpushbelow5 mg of prednisone in #SLE
Matteo Piga RMD_clinic ( View Tweet)