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AR882 a novel and selective URAT1 inhibitor is a safe, efficacious sUA lowering, tophus resolution and with a 68% decrease in total urate crystal volume of the feet and ankles after AR882 75 mg once daily for 6 months. Keenan R, Abst#L15 #ACR23 @RheumNow
Dr. Antoni Chan ( View Tweet)

⭐️Further Assessment of a patient with rash c/w leukocytoclastic vasculitis:
⏺️Timing, onset, progression?
⏺️Recent infectious for infectious symptoms?
⏺️Recent/new meds?
⏺️Hx of cancer?
👉Laboratory assessment for ALL:
⏺️CBC w/ diff
⏺️CMP (w/ interest in Cr,…
Meral K. El Ramahi, MD MeralElRamahiMD ( View Tweet)

1st Large real world observational head to head study on tx of Systemic sclerosis - ILD
No difference in treatment effectiveness of FVC change between tocilizumab, rituximab, mycophenolate and cyclophosphamide!
@RheumNow #ACR23 Abs#2596
Robert B Chao, MD ( View Tweet)

Fecal transplant for treatment of GI complications of systemic sclerosis?
No change in those who received transplant...
Overall procedure safe
@RheumNow #ACR23 Abs#2597
Robert B Chao, MD ( View Tweet)

JAKi, especially BARI, may be useful and safe in controlling both pulmonary and joint disease in RA-ILD patients, even in refractory cases. Evolution of FVC and DLCO remained stable in first 12 months. Serrano-Combarro A, Abst#2174 #ACR23 @RheumNow
Dr. Antoni Chan ( View Tweet)

Fecal microbiota - can it predict development of RA?
Sadly, no. Despite promising mouse work. Despite relative control of exposure & genetic enrichment incl SE. Not even Prevotella. Maybe if you compare the most extreme cases
but it’s not all the gut.
#ACR23 ABST2584 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Pre-clinical RA trials roundup, but also:
Great use (and acknowledgment) of RheumNow slide in the abstract background. Glad to see it being helpful there!
#ACR23 ABST2585 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Treatment of RA-ILD patients with ABA at any time of the course in the ILD seems to prevent interstitial lung progression. The evolution of FVC and DLCO for 48 months remained stable with ABA therapy. Serrano-Combarro A, Abst#2173 #ACR23 @RheumNow
Dr. Antoni Chan ( View Tweet)

Continued interest on CAR-T cells in systemic sclerosis!
6 mo f/up data on 3 pts who received CAR-T cell treatment - stable dz overall
Skin findings improved in all 3 pts
Previous finger ulcerations resolved
Lung function stable in 2 pts, improved in 1
@RheumNow #ACR23 Abs#2598
Robert B Chao, MD ( View Tweet)

#ACR23 Daily Recap - MONDAY
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

The Heart of Lupus
During ACR 2023 Convergence, several abstracts were presented evaluating the prevalence of CV disease and exploring new tools to predict CV disease. The ones that caught my eye included... #ACR23
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

L16 @ #ACR23
⭐️Can you discontinue glucocorticoids (GC) & immunosuppressive agent (IM) in stable IgG4-RD (clinically quiescent for at least 12 mo)?
➡️146 pts followed for 18 mo:
👉Group 1: withdraw GC+IM
👉Group 2: withdraw GC…
Meral K. El Ramahi, MD MeralElRamahiMD ( View Tweet)

Peng et al. 146 IgG4-RD in remission on immunomodulators+GC. 18 month follow-up. Withdraw IM+GC - 52% flare. Withdraw GC + continue IM 14.2% flare. Continue both 12.2% flare. Clear message that ongoing IM is the way Abstr#L16 #ACR23 #ACRbest @RheumNow
Richard Conway ( View Tweet)

L16 #ACR23 @RheumNow
W/d of Immunosuppr and Low-dose steroid in IgG4RD
Gr1: W/d GC+IM, G2: IM alone, G3: Maintain
Relapse rate: G1 52%, G2 14%, G3 12%
Eric Dein ( View Tweet)

COVAD2 data:
⬆️proportion of SLE pts from lmHDI countries were on CS(73% vs 59% p=0.0002), antimalarials(81% vs 68% p=0.0002) & IS(66% vs 53%p=0.0009) vs pts from hvhHDI countries
Comorbids more in younger pts from lmHDI (prob from CS use)
#ACR23 ABST2269 @RheumNow @rheumarhyme
sheila ( View Tweet)

What's the long-term mainentance game plan in IgG4-RD?
WInS IgG4-RD study
China, n=146
IgG4-RD stable disease >12mo
Withdrawing both IM+GC completely has much higher relapse rates vs at least keeping some IM
IgG4-RD needs some steroid-sparing Rx ongoing
#ACR23 L16 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

L18 @ #ACR23
⭐️Clinical Implications in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome (pSS) by Molecular classification of Salivary Glands (SGs)
➡️ transcriptomic profiling of SGs in Chinese cohort
👉 396 pSS, 87 non-pSS, & 44 early-pSS
➡️ 3 distinct sub-types:
Meral K. El Ramahi, MD MeralElRamahiMD ( View Tweet)

Withdrawing immunosuppression and steroids in IgG4-RD
Maintaining immunosuppression with or without steroids associated with low relapse rate
52% of pts who withdrew steroids +immunosuppression relapsed
@RheumNow #ACR23 Abs#L16
Robert B Chao, MD ( View Tweet)

L17 #ACR23 @RheumNow
Afimetoran TLR7/8 inhib for cutaneous lupus
Safety: No SAEs, mild-mod AEs, lower than PBO
Nasopharyngitis & bronchitis
Trough concentration consistent from D8 to 113, support 30 mg qd
CLASI change; MCDI 50% Afim v 0% PB, CLASI-50 Afim 50% v 0%
Inhib of IFNGS
Eric Dein ( View Tweet)

#ACR23 Abs 2598 show data on 1st 3 CD19 CAR-T treated SSc pts. Tx well tolerated and dz stabilized off tx x 6 months. Promising, but more data needed for further evaluation. @rheumnow
Dr. Rachel Tate ( View Tweet)