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Are your SpA pts planning on conceiving? Be careful with NSAID use
French study found age and NSAID use associated with longer time-to-conception.
Factors not associated: smoking, BASDAI score, DMARD use
#ACRBest Abs#1673 @RheumNow #ACR22
Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC ( View Tweet)

Ab1673 #ACR22: Time-to-Conception (T2C) in SpA
Prosp, observ
88F, 56 pregnancy
Subfertility in 45% F, T2C 16 mos
Risks: age, NSAID
Rx: NSAIDs (26%), steroids (9%), csDMARD (14%), biol (69%)
No control grp - Is it cause or correlate?
2020 Repro G/L rec d/c NSAID
@RheumNow #ACRBest
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

☝️Treatment is the 3rd reason why we need to order a BL HRCT in pts with ILD; "We can't treat SSc-ILD if we are not able to detect SSc-ILD" - Dr. Elana Bernstein
#ACR @RheumNow #rheumatology
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

Peresolimab humanized IgG1 mab
➢ stimulates PD-1 & physiological immune inhibitory pathways
➢ In RA phase 2 study, superior to placebo at Week 12 DAS28/CDAI
➢ safety events were similar between treatment groups
Emery P #L03 #ACR22 #ACRBest @RheumNow
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

BE OPTIMAL Study - Bimekizumab (IL-17A and IL-17F inhibitor) for treatment of PsA.
Similar ACR 50 (~50%) response rates of Bimekizumab, adalimumab, and placebo (switched to BKZ at wk 16).
~60% PASI100 in BKZ
#ACRBest Abs#L02 @RheumNow #ACR22
Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC ( View Tweet)

Hamroun et al. Preconceptual NSAID use assoc impaired fertility in SpA, HR 3.01 for time-to-conception @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1673
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Congratulations @RheumNow @rheum_cat @CreakyJoints 🎉 #ACR22
Catherine Sims, MD DrCassySims ( View Tweet)

Ab1674 #ACR22 HCQ in pregnancy is SAFE and Standard of Care!
In Utero Exposure to HCQ does NOT ass w/ ocular toxicity: OCTs 5 yrs after birth 👀
PATCH study of HCQ to reduce CHB in pregnancy
18% CHB (historical) -> 7% treated risk
OCT: retinal thickness nml at 5 yrs
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

#CurbsideConsult. What would you do? 45 yo female with dSSc and ILD, had been on stable MMF 1500 mg bid. she had increased SOB, new dry cough, hand pain, stiffness.Exam noted synovitis, Labs: ESR 76, Echo RSVP 25 mmHg, HRCT increased ILD compared to a year ago. #ACR22 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Are TNFi or IL-6Ri safe in rheumatic irAEs from ICI Rx?
Multiple big US centers retrospective:
TNFi, IL-6Ri vs MTX
p>0.05, but may be approx 2x risk of cancer progression
Has made me more cautious about TNFi, IL-6Ri - use MTX when you can
Lovely work! ABST1669 #ACR22 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

This is how Dr. Berstein manages SSc-ILD #ACR22 @rheumnow #CurbsideConsult
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Abdel-Wahab et al. TCZ in combo with ipilimumab/nivolumab. Very preliminary results of what will be important trial. Appears safe and well-tolerated with no increased risk cancer progression. @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1670
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Messier et al. WE-CAN pragmatic trial of diet and exercise (vs attention control) in knee OA with high BMI. Significant improvement in pain, walk distance, SF-36 with corresponding reduction in body weight @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1675
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

SAPHYR results: SAR + 14 wk GC taper showed efficacy vs comparator arm in steroid refractory PMR, including clinically meaningful improvement in QoL. No new safety signals. Plenary Abs 1676 #ACR22 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Tonight at 7pm ET! Join our RA Topic Panel with panelists: Drs. Richard Conway, Aurelie Najm, David Liew, Janet Pope, Julian Segan
@RichardPAConway @AurelieRheumo @drdavidliew @Janetbirdope @JulianSegan #ACR22
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

This slide reminds me of a recent case I encountered 🧐
How can we differentiate #vasculitis vs. atherosclerosis? 👇
TAK - stenosis occurs in proximal arteries, thoracic aneurysms, US: conc, smooth thickg w/ long segment stenosis
#ACR22 @Rheumnow #RheumTwitter @rheumarhyme
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

In overweight and obese patients with knee OA, 18-months of diet and exercise delivered in community settings significantly reduced WOMAC knee pain (-0.6) compared to an attention control group. Messier S Abs#1675 #ACR22 @RheumNow
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

Ab1672 #ACR22 SSc on Women's Health
100 pts - 75% lSSc
59% sexuality aff by SSc (vag dryness 67%, dig ulcers 37%, GI 37%, dyspnea 20%)
48 pts dx during repro ys - 73% never discuss contraception, 30% didn't reach family plan
22 pt - 43 pregn, 33 birth: C-sxn, low bth wt
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

More than 25,000 #ACR22 tweets since November 1 - keep going strong today and we will reach 100,000,000 impressions. Congrats to @rheum_cat, @RheumNow and @CreakyJoints for having the most impact with over 10M impressions each. @ACRheum @StevenEchard
Steven Echard, CAE StevenEchard ( View Tweet)

Sometimes your RA pts are eligible for ICI cancer immunotherapy, but there’s hesitancy because of autoimmune risk/bad irAEs
@DanaFarber @MassGenBrigham:
more RA flares
but similar mortality, severe irAEs rates
Give them what they need!
ABST1667 @jeffsparks #ACR22 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)