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Hoffmann-Vold et al. SSc ILD frequently progresses even in long-standing SSc. Not just a disease of early SSc! @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1536
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Ghaffar et al. Chronic abdominal periaortitis. Imaging improved in only 57% and resolved in 9%. Incident aneurysms rare 8%. Older age and secondary cause assoc greater likelyhood improvement, smokers 2 times less likely. @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1576
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

13S150. Draft ACR/EULAR APLS Classif Crit #ACR22
Entry: Clinical & +aPL w/in 3 yr
Then: Additive crit
-Don't count other cause
Clinical Domains: Macrovasc VTE, Macrovasc AT, Microvasc, Obst, Cardiac, Hematology
Lab: +LA, aCL/B2GP IgM/IgG/titer
Total: 3+ clin, 3+ lab
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

⬆️ serum anti-CCP3 Ab, absence IA
👉 StopRA trial - ironically stopped🛑
❌ hydroxychloroquine not superior to PBO in preventing/ delaying IA
👉rate of conversion to RA in CCP3+ve ~35% @ 3yrs
#ACR22 @RheumNow Abst#1604
Patricia Harkins DrTrishHarkins ( View Tweet)

“As long as you are practicing rheumatology, your legal risk is low.” - @greerdonley, law professor, on how rheumatologists should not let fear of legal consequences interfere w/practicing high quality evidenced based medicine for our patients #ReproductiveRheum #ACR22 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Makol @AshimaMakol et al. Multimorbidity in SSc . SSc higher burden multimorbidity at diagnosis and higher risk of developing multimorbidity over time @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1190
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

CorEVITAS Abs 1499 #ACRbest #ACR22 cycling to a second line TNFi provides limited benefits to pts with AxSpA who discontinued a first line TNFi. @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Mazareeb et al. von Willebrand Factor in systemic vasculitis. Increased in active vasculitis compared to remission and HCs. Correlates disease activity. Not affected by IL6i. @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1573
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Drop PJP prophylaxis in #SLE. Retrospec cohort 4900 SLE on MMF or CYP: 1 case of PJP detected over 2282 person years (incidence rate 0.44/1000 py); PJP prophylx cause neutropenia (IRR 4.7), leukopenia (IRR 4.0), C diff (IRR 3.9), hyperkalemia (IRR 3.7) abst#1594 ACR#22 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

#abs1601 #acr22 @rheumnow gender analysis of RCT 166 PsA pts on UST: F show ⬇️ response in resolution of pain, enthesitis, dactylitis& ACR response rates in both mono and MTXcombo groups. Unlike M, F seem not to benefit from UST+MTX combo for improvement of enthesitis& dactylitis
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

Papagoras et al. Serum GM-CSF increased in AxSpA and persists despite TNFi. Are we going to have a trial of mavrilimumab in AxSpA then? @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1156
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Bimekizumab (IL-17A and IL-17F inhibitor) efficacious in phase 3 trial for treatment of PsA. No new safety signals.
Abs#1599 @RheumNow #ACR22
Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC ( View Tweet)

Abs 1507 at #ACR22 demonstrated that even a 6-month delay in PsA dx from symptom onset contributes to worse patient-reported outcomes measures on overall quality of life. @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

13S150. Draft ACR/EULAR APLS Classif Criteria #ACR22
Lab Domains:
LAC not always feasible to recheck
aCL, aB2GP IgG higher risk, higher titers (>40U)
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

The likelihood of a patient self-reporting LDA/REM and specificity of MDA score were unaffected by which MDA criteria were met. @DrLauraCoates et al, Abs 1496 #ACR22 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Juge @Juge_P_A @PhilippeDieude et al Excess of rare variants in JAK-STAT genes in RA-ILD vs RA 57% vs 46%;OR=1.37 95%CI[1.12-1.69]. Elucidates pathophysiology but also possible treatment rationale @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1123
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

#Abs1260 #acr22 @rheumnow #acrbest Clincial&US eval 54 RA &18 PsA pts: Tenderness aasoctd w/radiographic progress in non-swollen jnts in PsA but not in RA. In tender non-swollen jnts in RA pts, baseline erosions& sonographic synovitis had significant impact on radio progression
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

RZB is efficacious in reducing signs and symptoms of PsA in patients, regardless of patterns of joint involvement Abs 1504 #ACR @AlexisOgdie @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Herrán et al. Anti-vinculin abs in SSc. Single centre. Seen in 25%. Slow gastric transit (37% vs 21%). More LcSSc (OR 5), more thyroid disease (OR 3.2), less lung (OR 0.19). @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1068
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

13S150. Draft ACR/EULAR APLS Classif Criteria #ACR22
Obstetric domain redefined
⭐️Cardiac thickening/vegetation
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)