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Package insert for avacopan has a lot of monitoring requirements, including liver risk, but that seems to be relatively small (2 events per 100 pt-yrs vs pred). Other risks actually favorable as compared to pred
How are others monitoring LFTs?
#ACR22 @RheumNow #1077
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

Kim et al. KOBIO study retention rates b/tsDMARDs in RA-ILD. Lower than in RA without ILD. Smoking (OR 5.2) steroids (OR 0.3) influence. JAKi>tocilizumab>abatacept>TNFi @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#0920
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

#ACR22 Abstr#0823 A systematic review which included 36 case series/report showed pulmonary manifestations are common in #VEXAS 56%. Unclear if due to VEXAS or previous disease which was misclassified. Longitudinal study with accurate & timely diagnosis could help @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

Differentiation in UCTD? Abs 0328 finds puffy fingers, abnormal nailfold changes & SSc specific antibodies most predictive for UCTD progression to SSc. Younger age, serositis, +anti-dsDNA antibodies important for progression to SLE. #ACR22 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Roongta et al. Small RCT of MTX+LEF vs MTX+RTX in RA. 21 patients each arm. No significant difference. @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#0931
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Sulli et al. Concommittent folic acid delays MTX response, leads to greater doses of steroids and MTX. But more AEs when MTX without folic acid 32 vs 16% - nausea, transaminase elevations. @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#0930
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

IL17i Ixekizumab IXE improved spinal pain at night (SpN) in AxSpA, COAST V 52 wk study
◦ improvement greatest with younger age, HLA-B27+, high disease activity at baseline
◦ associated with improved BASFI, fatigue, SF36
Ramiro S Abs1009 #ACR22 @RheumNow
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

Occupational inhaled agents increased risk of CCP+ RA, per Swedish occ data (OR 1.25, [1.12-1.38]). Dose-dependent increase in risk. Agents include quartz, asbestos, fungicides & carbon monoxide.
This is a common pt question!
@RheumNow ABST0601 #ACR22
Julian Segan JulianSegan ( View Tweet)

Park et al. MTX discontinuation for 1 week post-influenza vaccine non-inferior to 2 week hold. Higher flare rate with 2 week hold. @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#0936
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Ab409 #ACR22 Bimekizumab (IL17A, IL17F) & PROs
P Mease on BE MOBILE 1 & 2
BKZ 160 mg q4w vs PBO
254 pts w nr-axSpA, 332 w AS
Improvement in spinal pain, nocturnal pain, morning stiffness, FACIT-FATIGUE for pts with AS and nr-axSpA, statistically signif diff at WK 16
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Ab1044 #ACR22 Combined Biologic or Targeted Therapy (CBTT) in SpA
31 CBTT courses in 29 SpA pts - 69% also w IBD
Most common: TNF+IL12/23 or IL17
12 pts (38%) d/c CBTT - 7 inefficacy (5 2/2 IBD), 2 for AEs, 3 for other causes. 2 serious AEs (pulm infiltrates, staph ifn)
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Reid et al. Safety of immune checkpoint inhibitor combo vs mono in pre-existing autoimmune disease. No significant difference. But 59% vs 32% for irAEs and 23% vs 10% for high grade irAEs @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#0757
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Bilal et al. Increased risk VTE in aPL+ SLE patients on estrogen vs progesterone contraceptive. All forms progesterone appears equally safe (differs ACR guidance which does not recommended IM or implant) @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#0943
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

7pm ET on 11/13, join our SLE panel. #ACR22
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

It's brilliant lab work @MayoClinic that had led the way for JAKi in GCA in clinical trials.
A compelling bench-to-bedside story by @MdWarrington, Dr. Weyand, Dr. Koster and team, and definitely a space to watch
#ACR22 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

"You won't find IgG4-RD anywhere [in the 2012 Chapel Hill nomenclature], but it is absolutely a vasculitis"
-John Stone
#ACR22 @RheumNow
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

LILAC study abstracts 0364 and 0365 SLE pts w/ joint and skin activity treated with BIIB059 had consistent improvements vs PBO. More to come! #ACR22 @RheumNow and
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Need to know! Wigley says ‘each organ system has unique properties’ so ex Rx of skin may not help vasculopathy or #SSc renal crisis Rx is ACEi vs CCB in #Raynauds. 1 drug won’t be sufficient in complex diseases #13S114 #ACR22 #ACRBest @RheumNow #ClinicalPearl
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

MoA qu in GCA:
Is one JAKi better?
lab in tofa
proof-of-concept in bari
clinical trial in upa
@MdWarrington: unclear if any diff clinically
GM-CSF vs IL-17?
Maria Cid: lots of redundancy in immune system
blocking one pathway, escalation of another?
we will see
#ACR22 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Combined pulmonary HTN and ILD seen in 7% in large scleroderma database. Unsurprisingly, survival worse then PAH/ILD alone. HAQ also worse in this group.
@RheumNow @earlyARA #ACR22 ABST1058
Julian Segan JulianSegan ( View Tweet)