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Important study in SLE: out of 590 pts with pericarditis, 20% had recurrence w/in 1 year
Higher in early dx, younger pts, higher dx activity, & pred exposure
Is prednisone risk confounding by indication? Or causative?
#ACR24 @RheumNow @andreafava Abstr#2372
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

@DianeLacaille Canadian biosimilar exp
Biosimilar transition v originator controls x2 yrs
Weighted model: no decr in ETN biosimilar discontinuation v originator. IFX shows slight decrease - NOT statistical signif
Safety- no difference, slight incr rheum visits
@RheumNow #ACR24
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Ren et al. XG005, compound with NSAID and neuropathic like effects, in knee OA. At week 4 significant improvements in WOMAC pain, stiffness, function, and primary endpoint of walking pain @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#L08
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Depressing finding re:glucocorticoid discontinuation in SLE
No improvement over decades in rate of GC discontinuation; if anything, we start more GC than ever
@AliDuarteMD help me out here; why haven't we made more progress?
#ACR24 @RheumNow Abstr#2421
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

A study evaluating the effectiveness of Direct-to-Patient (D2P) screening for psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in psoriasis patients.
Key findings:
- 30% response rate from 825 patients; 13% screened positive.
- 75% of referrals deemed appropriate, with one-third receiving a new PsA…
Antoni Chan MD (Prof) synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

Cardiology is on!
Dr. Olin discusses Fibromuscular Dysplasia findings on imaging
Definite: string of beads and/or focal narrowing in right setting / location
Possible but nonspecific: dissection, ecstasia, aneurysm, and tortuously
@RheumNow #ACR24
Brian Jaros, MD Dr_Brian_MD ( View Tweet)

Why is there female predominance in #SLE - the extra X chromosome in females (XX) may not be inactivated properly- usually maintained by the long non-coding RNA #Xist
#ACR24 abst#2599 @RheumNow
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

Updated ACR guidelines on management of lupus nephritis (LN). Consider early biopsy. Focus on triple therapy in LN. From the panel discussion, Tacrolimus can be an alternative to CNI (Voclosporin) where there is no access to this. Manage comorbidities such as CV risk, bone…
Antoni Chan MD (Prof) synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

Galloway et al. 117,050 individuals. VTE risk in RA consistently increased, irrespective of age, sex, BMI. Risk VTE 46% higher in RA! @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#1901
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Abstract 1842: Off the shelf CAR T therapy
No lymphodepletion needed, delivering robust, targeted CD19+ B cell elimination in multiple in vitro assays
@RheumNow #ACR24
Akhil Sood MD AkhilSoodMD ( View Tweet)

Do pts w autoimmune disease (AID) respond differently to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) & have different mortality or iRAE risk vs pts without AID?
Study of pts on ICI showed no significant difference in mortality in pts w & without pre-existing AID
Ab2532 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

Applying the guidelines to Cases- Dr M Dall’Era for a pt wit extrarenal lupus and active LN. #ACR24 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Non-pharm tx in TAK - not something we always think about but…
Impressive effect of resistance exercise!!
Not just in symptoms but also inflammatory markers
Per Dr. Springer - even a stress ball could be enough for UE vascular health in these pt
@RheumNow #ACR24
Brian Jaros, MD Dr_Brian_MD ( View Tweet)

The updated 2024 ACR Guideline for Dx and Tx of #lupus nephritis is here!
Dr. Lisa Samaritano discusses the key recommendations 👇
For all pts: screen for LN, give HCQ and RAAS for pts with ⬆️ proteinuria
GCs in pts w/ LN class III/IV &/or V.
@Rheumnow #ACR24 @rheumarhyme
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

The overview for #lupus nephritis tx.
Triple therapy is preferred as first line due to:
1. RCTs (BLISS-LN & AURORA 1) showing improved outcomes w/ triple txs
2. Nephron loss happens with ongoing LN - time is kidney!
@RheumNow #ACR24
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

Overall very reasonable, aligning ACR recs w/other guidance groups & updated data
Remember: guidelines are meant to be broken. Some patients can likely avoid pulse, others may need more steroid on the back end, biopsies are not benign
#ACR24 @RheumNow
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

Recommend "Triple Therapy" = Glucocorticoids + two other agents
Practically, that means MMF + belimumumab OR CNI for most pts
For the CYC afficionados, the lower-dose EUROLUPUS protocol is preferred
#ACR24 @RheumNow
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

Happening now, new guidelines for mgmt. A few highlights:
Recommend prompt GC therapy, pulse x1-3d followed by oral pred (<0.5mg/kg/d) w/taper to <5mg by 6 months
Aligns with EULAR recs for a much-lower dose than most clinicians currently doing
#ACR24 @RheumNow
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

Applying the #ACR24 #LupusNephritis: Case 2 by Dr M Dall’Era @RheumNow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Interesting! Study of pts w/ ANA(-) & dsDNA(+). 1 in 5 dx with APLS! Have others seen that?
I have been disgregarding this pattern, though some of that is related to my in-house assay (seems overly-sensitive) & my bias against overdiagnosis
#ACR24 @RheumNow Abstr#2391
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)