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Low rates of hypersensitivity reactions (HSR) to #anifrolumab
Pooled data MUSE & TULIP-1/-2 w/1100 pts:
👉1 anaphylaxis (0.15%)
👉12 HSR (3%)
👉43 infusion reaction (9%): N/V/headache
👉most easily treatable w/antihistamine, GCs, acetaminophen
#EULAR2022 POS0708 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Another study that shows longterm exposure to pollutants can increased risk for autoimmune/immune mediated inflammatory diseases #EULAR2022 OP0071 @rheumnow #SaveEarth
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Once we add adalimumab in MTX-IR RA, can we dial down MTX & still keep control?
New data - now in East Asian pts (with already low MTX) says often yes, without ⬆️ADAb.
Obviously RA control 1st/2nd/3rd, but prob doesn’t have to be MTX 20 forever in everyone #EULAR2022 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

It's not a museum. It's the new, look, all electronic poster sessions. Rows & rows of 42 inch touch screen monitors on the wall. You can interact with these online monitors, but I was unable to connect to Netflix. #EULAR22
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Prof Pickering explained interpretation of Low Complement level and its association with Complement Pathways and Diseases #EULAR2022 @RheumNow
💠 ⬇️C4, normal/⬇️C3: Classical
💠 ⬇️C3, normal C4: Alternative
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

We are back!!! #EULAR22
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

in case you're interesting in the causal diagram for the mediation modelling for this:
far from proven, but certainly does raise some questions about a potential advantage of IL-23 inhibitors in a crowded PsA market #EULAR2022 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Top Influencers of #EULAR2022: @eular_org @EMEUNET @RheumNow @ARD_BMJ @RichardPAConway @Yuz6Yusof @ProftDr More 📊
Symplur Hashtags healthhashtags ( View Tweet)

Interesting, NWA by Dougados et al shows both Tofa and ADA may benefit pain in those who have controlled inflammatory component. ?real effect vs imperfect measures @RheumNow #EULAR2022 OP0052
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

#POS0065 #EULAR2022 What is the nature of ILD progression in #Sjogren and is it mostly stable? A cohort study in Oslo (N=702) showed after 15 yrs follow-up, 45% had radiographic progression. Hence, need to monitor lung function test @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

#POS0263 #EULAR2022 In #rituximab-treated RMD patients with undetectable humoral response to primary #COVID 💉, a study (N=84) found Re-Vaccination with mRNA (2 shots) was better than a Booster (1 shot). Lend support for current approach: 2 + 3rd Primary + Booster @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

Burja et al. Dimethyl alpha-ketoglutarate has anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effects on explanted systemic sclerosis skin. @RheumNow #EULAR2022 OP0095
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

RheumNow Coverage of #EULAR2022 Presents Live Expert Discussions
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Phase 3 RCT upadacitinib in nrAxSpA. Clinical (ASAS40), PRO, and radiologic response seen at week 14 vs placebo @RheumNow #EULAR2022 OP0016
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

#EULAR2022 OP0073: Gender-specific assessment for MRI imaging criteria
⭐️Sex differences in axSpA - disease presentations, jt biomechanics, diagnostic delay in ♀️
⭐️Higher fat metaplasia in ♂️, Sclerosis in ♀️
⭐️Ankylosis much higher in ♂️ (DOR 40!)
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

#What’sHot? Axial PsA cohort as some drugs seem to work differently in axPsA vs axSpA Less HLAB27+, less male, 17% isolated axial in PsA #OP0026 @RheumNow #EULAR2022 @eular_org
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Intra-articular morphine in knee arthritis. WHAT!? Not-surprisingly it doesn't work. Inferior to steroid and same as placebo. Still kudos to Haibel et al for answering this question @RheumNow #EULAR2022 OP0050
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

#POS0086PARE #EULAR2022 What #lupus symptoms/target mattered most to the patients?A survey in 342 found reduction in joint pain, rash & non-joint pain as most important. Reduced infection risk was the least. Important to be aware in assessing patients & guide studies @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

Minimal disease activity achivement by PsA domain over 2y, in guselkumab phase 3
Everyone goes on about skin efficacy with guselkumab, but pretty good early on for enthesitis & swollen joints too... has challenged my uninformed thinking!
POS1067 #EULAR2022 #IL23 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

↘️Education level🟰↗️risk of clinical RA in at risk patients. HR=1.8 although partially explained by ↗️ MRI inflammation at Dx.
Adjusted on smoking status, age and BMI.
Shall we follow this group of patients more closely?
OP0035 #EULAR2022 @RheumNow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)