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STAR trial of GC w/d in RA LDA
SEMIRA of GC w/d controlled RA on Toci
Very slight disease activity increase, but higher flares
No symptomatic adrenal insufficiency, but data of abnormal ACTH stim
No good evidence of steroid w/d symptoms
Beth Wallace
@RheumNow #ACR24
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Slick poster, but must be careful w/real world data. Big risk of confounding/channeling bias
Pts with MACE risk (not always well-characterized by ICD codes) also less likely to receive JAK & therefore less liekly to have subsequent MACE
#ACR24 @RheumNow Abstr#1394
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

Zhou et al. Phase 2 RCT of XKH004, IL17A/Fi in AxSpA. ASAS40 50.4% vs 25%. Slightly odd dose response variation, but maybe just noise. @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#1453
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Getting more data on using deucravacitinib for PsO/PsA manifestations
Impressive effect on scalp psoriasis (which often means a lot to patients)
Given how safe it is, it's increasingly tempting to use more of it in mild-mod PsA
#ACR24 PSORIATYK SCALP trial ABST1137 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Cowley et al. US pattern in Subclinical GCA in PMR vs GCA. Subclinical GCA has more isolated axillary artery involvement. Severity of US inflammation significantly higher in GCA than subclincal GCA @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#1629
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Abst #1473 evaluated association of SJC in PROs from 2 Bimekizumab trials (bDMARD naïve vs TNFi-IR)
-bDMARD naïve had less SJC at baseline
-In both groups, pts w lower SJC had sustained improvement in pain and fatigue over time.
#ACR24 @RheumNow
Adela Castro AdelaCastro222 ( View Tweet)

Findings from Abstr#1436 reveal that cigarette smoking is not positively associated with radiographic progression in psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Current and past smokers showed a longer time to joint damage progression. This suggests a complex relationship that warrants further…
Antoni Chan MD (Prof) synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

What do current national/international rheumatology association guidelines say about perioperative discontinuation of biologics?
it's highly, highly variable
no wonder people get confused!
#ACR24 ABST1037 @CatherineL_Hill @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Serrano-Combarro et al. Case series of upadacitinib in RA-ILD. 18 patients. Report stable/improved dyspnoea and HRCT over 12 months. PFTs shown, relatively stable @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#1372
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Great table re:side effects of even low dose steroids in RA
Likely generalizes to other diseases ie PMR, SLE
P in prednisone stands for poison!
#ACR24 @RheumNow
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

How do we prevent SLE flares requiring steroids?
Background medication!
HCQ adherence is key
-check WB levels to measure
EULAR recs early addition of immunosuppress/biols
“Taper quickly, withdraw slowly”
Come down quick, then slowly off
@RheumNow #ACR24 @jhrheumatology
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Are biosimilar multi-switches an issue?
real world data: DANBIO 🇩🇰
biosimilar to biosimilar switch
having already had a switch prior ('previous ADAo') did not increase cessation
The risk of biosimilar switching on immunogenicity is greatly overstated
#ACR24 ABST1000 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

@DidemSayginMD et al finds that ~1/3 patients with myositis have comorbid fibromyalgia
➡️Presence of fibromyalgia significantly impacted patient global disease activity
#acr24 @RheumNow
Caoilfhionn Connolly CaoilfhionnMD ( View Tweet)

Petri recommends IM triamcinolone as safer than prednisone dosing per FLOAT trial, decreased risk of fx
@RheumNow #ACR24
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Positive impacts of registry participation across outcomes.
#ACRBest #ACR24 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

Late-onset asthma but earlier EGPA diagnosis?
Abstract 1604 used IQVIA data to develop a machine learning model for better EGPA dx. Key predictors included eosinophilia, asthma, chronic sinusitis, multiple CXRs, skin biopsies, and GC prescriptions. @RheumNow #ACR24
Akhil Sood MD AkhilSoodMD ( View Tweet)

Sukumaran et al. Does does of IA steroid matter in knee injection? RCT 30 patients. Triamcinolone. 6-week WOMAC decrease 6% in 10mg, 10% in 20mg , 29% in 40mg @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#1186
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

#1477 🔬Zasocitinib (TYK-2i) shows promise in phase IIb RCT
➡️n=290, randomised to PBO, 5/15/30mg gps
💥30mg group
📉 Rapid skin improvement @ Wk 2
➡️Wk 12 PASI:~2X placebo (-2.5;p=0.004)
🛟Well tolerated
⬆️MDA (28 v. 12.5% p<0.05) promise for other PsA domains
#ACR @RheumNow
Caoilfhionn Connolly CaoilfhionnMD ( View Tweet)

Exciting early data for new highly selective TYK2i zasocitinib
Improved PASI skin scores (though not as much as IL23i...)
Funky skin-related adverse events at higher doses, not sure what to make of that?
#ACR24 @rheumnow Abstr#1477
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

T2T approaches in early PsA:
-STAMP trial (open label, multicenter RCT) eval early SEC (300mg+ MTX15+ 80mg steroid injection) vs SoC (MTX25+80mg steroid injection)
-At week 12, 38% pts on SEC vs
17% on SoC achieved ACR50. Also did better on MDA & PASI.
-No significant…
Adela Castro AdelaCastro222 ( View Tweet)