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Systematic review & meta-analysis by DrHChaudhary et al @DaoudAnsaam @mmagrey1
showed that males w/ axSpA who were treated with biologics had ⬆️ BASDAI150 response & likely w/ ASDAS low dse activity vs. females w/axSpA
Again, effect of gender differences
@RheumNow #ACR24 abs599
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

New data to guide role of long-term, low dose GC in GPA
Active GPA s/p tx -> randomized to d/c pred within 1 mo or stay on 5mg daily
Fewer relapses on 5mg pred but w/qualifications:
👉 most flares = minor
👉 no difference in flares if RTX on board
@RheumNow #ACR24 Abst 0774
Brian Jaros, MD Dr_Brian_MD ( View Tweet)

Come visit @rheumnow where #ACR24 #RheumEducation is distilled and disseminated. @uptoTate
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Coming from somewhere where biosimilars are SOC for many years, I just find it wild how things are biosimilar wise in the US. Reflected by so many abstracts, including lots of oral presentations, essentially on showing biosimilars work. #ACR24 @RheumNow
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

What is my risk of developing SLE?
Abstract 0843 highlights a predictive model that accurately classifies SLE risk using genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Model 3 (genetics + environment + lifestyle) performed the best compared to models 1 and 2.
@RheumNow #ACR24
Akhil Sood MD AkhilSoodMD ( View Tweet)

Challener et al. TriNetX study. 32,000 patients. SGLT2i reduce need for gout visits (HR 0.94) ULT initiation (HR 0.69) and colchicine (HR 0.82). I worry about the discordant rates, ULT initiation much lower. @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#0848
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Should we screen new #PMR pts for #LVV?
Pts with PMR had lower risk of aortic complications vs #GCA & similar risk as gen pop
BUT if they developed GCA later, the risk was same as those with new GCA
➡️Screening recommended in new GCA but not PMR pts
Ab0859 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

@abdelhamed012 @RheumNow Same
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Race of b/tsDMARDs in RA, the “JAK-pot” study.
JAKi and TNFi with more rapid early improvement in CDIA, HAQ, and pain compared to ABA or IL-6 inhibitors…..although effects blunted after adjusting for patient and RA characteristics
#ACR24 @RheumNow ABST#0501
Jiha Lee JihaRheum ( View Tweet)

🤵♂️Results from BACHELOR
➡️34 PMR pts
➡️18 BARI, 16 PBO
➡️Primary endpoint: CRP PMR-AS≤10 w/o oral GC rescue from W0 to 12
78% BARI pts reached primary endpoint vs 13% PBO
No new safety signals
BARI 4mg 12W, then 2mg 12W➡️36W low disease activity in PMR
Ab0858 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

How does #cardiovascular risk vary with #ACPA & #biologics in #RA?
⬆️BMI assoc with ⬆️MACE risk in ACPA+ pts
In ACPA- pts, BMI inversely assoc with MACE risk among pts on biologics
Further evidence to consider ACPA, BMI & MACE as part of RA management
Ab0870 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

JAKs in PMR? "BACHELOR" study randomized 34pts to BARI vs PLBO
Despite small sample, significant benefit at 12 wks (CRP PMR-AS < 10) for bari (78%) vs. PLBO (13%)
Useful, but not for getting regulatory approval. Should have gone straight to phase 3!
#ACR24 @RheumNow Abstr#0858
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

📸 #ACR24 Selfie Highlights!
1️⃣ @Sethsaidso and Jack Cush, MD from @RheumNow – a dynamic duo in rheumatology!
2️⃣ @Sethsaidso and @KenSaag, MD, MSc – renowned rheumatologist and clinical investigator from UAB.
3️⃣ @Sethsaidso and @Dr_ValenzuelaMD – exceptional rheumatologist from…
Links: CreakyJoints ( View Tweet)

How early is early?
Data from SPACE cohort included 548 pts with CBP (<2y duration) and different SpA features followed over 2years.
-At the end of 2 years, 39% pts were dx with axSpA.
-Median time to dx: 35 months.
-HLAB27+, sacroilitis on MR and peripheral arthritis were the…
Adela Castro AdelaCastro222 ( View Tweet)

Systematic review suggests (although not provn) that audiovestibular dysfunction may be from APS. Anti-phospholipid & HSP-70 Abs found 25-33% w/idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss,. ACL Abs seen in up to 27% w/ sensorineural hearing loss
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Is it pre-eclampsia or lupus nephritis flare?
Abstract 0809: The sFlt-1/PlGF ratio may help distinguish preeclampsia from lupus nephritis in pregnancy. A low ratio ruled out preeclampsia, while a high ratio ± proteinuria suggests increased risk. @RheumNow #ACR24
Akhil Sood MD AkhilSoodMD ( View Tweet)

Cross-sectional study finds metabolic dysregulation in RA-ILD is indicative of poor prognosis- FGF-21 assoc w. poor survival.
Another link btwn CV risk factors, metabolic syndrome & RA? Should we be doing more to manage metabolic risk factors in RA-ILD?
Ab0803 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

Stone et al. Phase 3 RCT B-cell depletion with CD19 targeting agent Inebilizumab in IgG4-RD. HR 0.13 (0.06, 0.28) for flare. @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#0775
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Hamroun et al. Meta-analysis of glucocorticoids in pregnancy and breast-feeding. Increase pre-term birth with GCs, adjusted OR 2.24. Dose-dependent effect. Minimal breastmilk transfer. @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#0810
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Prof @WalterMaks et al reports the validation of data-driven quantitative MRI cutoffs for a +SIJ MRI perform highly in pts with established axSpA.
- Deep fat lesions & sclerosis: high specificity for #axSpA
@RheumNow #ACR24 abs821
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)