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Sub-analysis of ICHIBAN study looking at adverse events in tocilizumab treated patients with/without steroids. Steroids associated with small increase in adverse events across board. Abstr#1693 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

What is the effect of #avacopan on renal function in pts with #ANCA #vasculitis?
👉🏼Results from ADVOCATE show greater recovery of kidney function with avacopan vs steroids
👉🏼Particularly marked in pts with CKD4 and eGFR<60
Abs#L14 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

Fr AQUILA study: #Uveitis status in AS or PsA pts given SEC
👁🗨3 pts w/o uveitis at BL developed new onset uveitis during study
👁🗨Most pts w/uveitis at BL - status remained unchanged or improved
👁🗨SEC did not ⬆ risk of uveitis
@RheumNow #ACR21 abs1738
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

Abst1632 #ACR21 #ACRBest @RheumNow 25 children w/ uSAID & MEFV mutations: E148Q mutation standouts-32% heterozygous for E148Q, Asian ancestry seen in 37% kids w/ E148Q. E148Q assoc w/longer febrile episodes& less likely to have a full response to colchicine (25% vs 70%; p = 0.03)
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

Predictor of PsO transition to PsA?
Age - pts dx with PsO at 42 developed PsA 12 years sooner than pts dx at 18
#ACR21 @RheumNow
Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC ( View Tweet)

Abst1773 #ACR21 @rheumnow guselkumab outperforms ustekinumab in both msk & skin domains in bio naive & bio experienced alike- data from pivotal Phase III trials : at weeks 52 GUS better ACR20, PASI100 in both doses vs Stelara
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

#ACR21 Thieves: SLE and SSc with worsening cytopenia and hematuria despite treatment:
Maria Powell - presents overlap case with PNH, responded to eculizumab
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Use your good sun screen/blocker. UV radiation is best blocked! Changes beyond skin damage and cancer. Immune activation. @RheumNow #ACR21 #climate change
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Peripheral SpA: Dr. Antoni Chan and Dr. Nelly Ziade
Dr. Chan ( @synovialjoints) interviews Dr. Ziade about abstract #1787 presented at the #ACR21 annual meeting.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Meta-analysis of PUFA supplementation in RA. Apparent benefits across most measures, albeit often small. Abstr#1682 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

No benefit to using MTX in combination with ustekinumab in PsA. No difference in efficacy for arthritis, enthesitis, dactylitis, skin, QoL or function. Abstr#L12 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Watch my interview w/incredible rheum leaders in the field of aging:
👉🏼what inspired them
👉🏼changes we need to make in our practice
👉🏼end of life care (including MD-assisted suicide).
#ACR21 @RheumNow
@UnaMakris via @YouTube
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

GLORIA study of adding prednisolone 5mg to DMARDs over 2 years for RA in those >65 years. Mean DAS 0.37 points lower, Sharp score 1.7 lower (are either of these clinically significant?). NNH 9.5. To me causing harm chasing statistical benefit Abstr#1678 #ACR21 @RheumNow #ACRBest
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Avacopan effects on renal disease in AAV presented in further detail. Greater recovery with avacopan, which was accentuated in those with worse renal disease or proteinuria at baseline. Abstr#L14 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Clinical and research pearl: SPACC vs LEEDs enthesitis scoring for your PsA patients by Dr. Ogdie. #ACR21 @RheumNow #RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

I don't know much about antifibrotics in RA-ILD, but these data emphasise that HRCT pattern matters
My simple mind, for any disease:
multiple subtypes with different trajectories➡️likely to be differing responses to Rx
TRAIL1: pirfenidone in RA-ILD
#ACR21 ABSTL10 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

#SARSCoV2 infections in vaccinated pts w/ #rheumaticdisease @rheum_covid @rheum_cat
👉🏼Most pts with breakthrough infections were on anti-metabolites or B-cell depleting therapies
👉🏼Encourage patients to get their #BoosterShot!
Abs#L04 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

⬆HCQ blood levels significantly associated w/ ⬇ in mean SLEDAI, UPCR, SBP & platelet cts
🔷Assoc'n strongest in HCQ conc'n in range 0-1000ng/mL
A possible HCQ blood level target to ⬇ 👁toxicity?🤔
@RheumNow #ACR21 abs1753
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

Comparative effects of abatacept in RA-ILD with UIP/NSIP. Appears equally effective in stabilising FVC, DLCO, and HRCT findings in both. Abstr#1683 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Abst1510 #ACR21 @RheumNow in animal study Stimulation w/ SIINFEKL peptide induces proliferation of resident memory CD8+ T cells in target joint resulting in increased numbers of B cells, Neutrophils, and CD4 cells within the joint space =localized inflammatory arthritis
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)