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SLE – Treatment: New Agents, Old Agents
Pooled data from 2 phase 3 trials (TULIP 1 and 2)
⏬LLDAS is an attainable T2T endpoint in adult SLE trials
⏬Anifrolumab treatment associated with earlier and more sustained LLDAS in adult SLE
Dr. Laura Lewandowski LauraLewMad11 ( View Tweet)

1) Trial enrollees were likely partial/non responders to MMF at baseline (NIN had clean slate)
2) Unblinding from diarrhea from NIN, likely tilts toward NIN d/t PLBO effect
3) MMF-PLBO may have had dx longer than NIN-PLBO, missed critical early window to affect progression?
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

Interesting thoughts from Dr. Distler re:nintedanib & MMF in SSc-ILD
Agree we should look into MMF-nintedanib combo, but this graph makes me think MMF > NIN
Why would that be? Unlike NIN, MMF pts were NOT randomized, which likely favors NIN for a few (speculative) reasons:
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

ACR Convergence 2021 attendees – join us this evening, Monday, Nov. 8, from 6:00 to 6:30 PM ET, for the virtual #ACR21 Tweet Up! Add to your agenda → #RheumTwitter
American College of Rheumatology ACRheum ( View Tweet)

Hard to keep up with all the good news.
Congrats to @philseo, Program Director extraordinaire and Director of the Johns Hopkins Vasculitis Clinic, for receiving the ACR Distinguished Clinician Scholar Award.
#ACR21 @HopkinsMedicine @HopkinsMedNews
Max 🦖 MaxKonigMD ( View Tweet)

8M415 Gout Imaging Advances: Ralf Thiele on US🔊and DECT
US>DECT: DECT needs a minimal density of MSU; DCS, tophi <2mm, liquid tophi may not be detected; US can show hyperemia
DECT>US: DECT can show areas that may be overlooked from standard protocols
💡Bonus:stay around for Q&A

🔥Continued, More Clinically Meaningful data in #SSc #ILD from #Nintedanib in >52 wk SENSCIS & SENSCIS-ON(open-label ext)#ACR21 Dr Distler
✨MMF likely to stay 1st line, then Nintedanib
❓Is it time for MMF + Antifibrotic upfront??
Await SLS-III;Data so far seems supportive
Ashima Makol MD AshimaMakol ( View Tweet)

Great Q&A re:VEXAS w/Marcela Ferrada
When to suspect VEXAS? Male, MCV >100, Plt <200
Can you order genetics yourself? No. 😆
Any IMT that works? Require high dose steroid, partial response to TCZ, needs close f/u d/t possible neutropenia!
How to refer to NIH? Slide!!! ⬇️⬇️
Mike Putman EBRheum ( View Tweet)

Tribute #RheumPix to a special time in San Fran for ACR 2015 w/ my dear Father,Dr. Kamal M. El Ramahi, MD, FACR -may he Rest in Peace. I was an IM Res then not yet settled on a specialty when he sweetly invited me...the Rheum seed began its blossom
Meral K. El Ramahi, MD MeralElRamahiMD ( View Tweet)

A study at #ACR21 by Charite-University Medicine Berlin researchers suggests taking tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) #biologics earlier in the course of disease could slow down spinal progression in #AxialSpondyloarthritis patients. CreakyJoints ( View Tweet)

#ACR21 - I don't remember the final count from ACR20, but 23k tweets🐦and 78.6 Million🔥 impressions have to be some type of record. @rheum_cat with over 1,600 tweets and counting. Don't forget the 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝟐𝟏 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐔𝐩 (𝟖𝐌𝟓𝟐𝟎) today at 6:00 PM.
Steven Echard, CAE StevenEchard ( View Tweet)

Join us now at the #ACR21 #COVID19 community hub to hear Kevin Winthrop and @RADoctor discussing about vaccines in patients with RMDs
Alessia Alunno alessia_alunno ( View Tweet)

Alcohol and MTX don't go along!
In a cohort of 1000+ early RA
Factors associated w/
Female OR 2
🍺 Alcohol OR 1.44
DAS28CRP OR 1.16
Age OR 4.87
🍺 Alcohol OR 1.98
HAQ score OR 1.62
#Abst1444 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

👉HCQ dose < 400 mg/d are assc with SLE flare. Lower doses of HCQ may decrease risk of retinopathy. 👉For >80 kg (176 lbs), any dose < 400 mg/day is assc with increased odds of flare
(HCQ blood levels not measured)
Abst#1462 #ACR21 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

I will be at the Early Career community Hub in 5 minutes (at 5pm Eastern) with @DanielHSolomon discussing "How to Get Published" #ACR21
Jeffrey Sparks MD MMSc jeffsparks ( View Tweet)

Dr. Furie thinks that pulse IV steroids are more effective than oral high dose steroids. If you use pulse IV, you can then use a lower oral dose of prednisone w/faster taper. Will he mandate pulse IV steroids w/his next trial? ...long pause.. No. #ACR21 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

CBD for pain in hand OA/inactive PsA:
- works in animal models (many things do)
- other neg RCTs didn't use CBD itself
- DBRCT: 12w continuous, n=136, min dropout
does absolutely nothing
I bet big money it will be tried again & again
@Joner_MD #ACR21 ABST1456 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Dr Vela presents DB RCT on cannabidiol in hand OA and PsA. No effect seen. Abstr#1456 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

The opening of #ACR21 Convergence was a hit for all who signed up and viewed in. The day included the presidential address by outgoing president Dr. David Karp (UT Southwestern) and a keynote talk and interview with Dr. Seema Yasmin (Stanford).
Read more..
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

COVID in Rheumatologic Disease Patients: Drs. Sparks, Liew, Yazdany and Dao provide an update on data specific to COVID in rheumatologic disease patients.
@jeffsparks @drdavidliew @KDAO2011
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)