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Characteristics of #uveitis w/axSpA seen in patients of this study:
👁🗨All acute, anterior & 93% unilateral
👁🗨Delay in dx & ⬆ HLAB27+
No diff. in TNFi use
Consistent fact: Uveitis is the ⬆ common extra-articular manifestation in axSPA
@RheumNow #ACR21 abs1324
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

Study comparing TNFi vs SEC in PsA pts w/ active US confirmed enthesitis finds superiority of TNFi (ADA, CTZ, ETN) in regards to active entheseal disease. Abs 1356 #ACR21 #RheumNow @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

#ACR21 Abs#1425. AURORA2 - voclosporin for LN extension
⭐️216/357 pts continued into 2-yr study
⭐️Mean UPCR at month 30: 0.58 in VOC vs 1.3 control. eGFR ⬇️ in VOC, remains stable
⭐️No new AEs
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

What better than a tweet on a #ACR21 study of tweets! 😂
Using Twitter Firehose data stream - yes we should do a study just during the ACR week...!
Fake tweets exists but low in the rheumatology community!
@rheumnow #abst1068
Paper -
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

Abst1356 #acr21 @RheumNow TNFi vs SEC in active US confirmed enthesitis: mean ActiveMASEI score ⬇️ 4.37 w/TNFi vs 2.22 secukinumab (p = 0.030). Secucinumab leads in regards to the PASI & DLQI score with Sec vs TNFi ( 3.44 vs 1.03 p = 0.001 & 5.57 vs 1.35 p = 0.005 respectively
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

FDA Safety Update - Questions for Dr. Nikolov, Habal, Golding, Rajpal
- Do we need post marketing RCTs BARI and UPA: one in prog for BARI, not for UPA
- 1133, why high CI of 1.8? Based on stricter margins based on prior studies with diabetes
- Are Tyk2 a worry? to early
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

FDA Safety Update - Questions for Dr. Nikolov, Habal, Golding, Rajpal
- Bari OK in COVID but now CV risk: theres a limit (14d) for Bari in COVID
- CV Risk applied to all JAKi - largely because all have same indication, same populations at risk
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

FDA update - the safety of XIAFLEX injections (collagenase for Dupytrens) under review #ACR21
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Excellent Rheum Pearls session w/ Drs. Kolfenbach & Stone:
🔘⬆️CRP in SLE:: think infection not flare
🔘Ferritin:ESR ratio differentiate JIA flares from MAS
🔘Dilated capillaries at eyelid margin in JDM = disease activity
🔘Auscultate Back for bruits in TAK
Alicia Hinze alicia_hinze ( View Tweet)

@jaymehtamd When to escalate #MISC Tx @jaymehtamd #PedsRheum #ACR21
📌fever, cardiac dysfunction, ventilatory support, altered mental status, MAS, organ-threatening
📌Anakinra vs Tocilizumab vs Infliximab
Herman Tam DrPedsRheum ( View Tweet)

FDA Update: FDA timeline for revision of the labels for TOFA, BARI, UPA - all needing to add a boxed warning on CV and cancer risk - This could take 2-3 mos- This is why youre still waiting.. #ACR21
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

FDA Safety Update on JAK Inhibitors - bottom line on the Tofactitinib Post-Marketing (PMR) study published Sept 1st (cancer higher rates of lung CA and lymphoma with both doses of Tofa vs TNFi) #ACR21
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

GOSH and NAC pedi CAPS pts study since 2005: anti-IL1 treatment has major impact on prevention and tx of CAPS symptoms. Observed by improved CAPS clinical dz activity scores; and normalized inflammatory markers. Abs 1110 #ACR21 #RheumNow @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

ASAS PerSpA study findings: rheumatologists tended to dx IBD-SpA in pts w peripheral arthritis more commonly than axial symptoms. IBD predominantly presenting symptoms. Abs 1310 #ACR21 #RheumNow @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Abstr 1313
Lee & Colleagues used clustering analysis to study impact of comorbidities in patients with #axSpA
- Comorbidities can influence treatment outcomes and should be accounted for in when treating #axSpA
#ACR21 @RheumNow
Akhil Sood MD AkhilSoodMD ( View Tweet)

Clinical Pearl from Dr. @JKolfenbach:
⭐️(-) ANCA doesn't r/o limited GPA
⭐️Biopsies can be just as important for ruling out mimics:
‣Neoplastic Dx (NK/T cell sinus lymphomas)
‣Histiocytic process
‣Infectious (fungal, mycobacteria)
‣Foreign material (cocaine)
#ACR21 @RheumNow
Meral K. El Ramahi, MD MeralElRamahiMD ( View Tweet)

#Precisionmedicine is here but we’re not using it? A 23 molecular signature response classifier (MSRC) identified pts w RA unlikely to respond to #TNFi. no response was<ACR50 over 1yr. 175 w 26⬆️MSRC & 47 ⬆️⬆️MSRC. If ⬇️MSRC29%<ACR50 v 42&60%. ?cost Abst#1252 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Abst1100 #ACR2021 @RheumNow PAH in AOSD rare, mostly in polycyclic disease, associated w/flares (85%). overall survival 93% at 1 year and 74% at 3 years. PAH was severe at diagnosis: 2 (15%), 7 (54%) and 4 (31%) patients were in NYHA functional class II, III and IV, respectively.
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

Always thought⬆️health care access in Canada would lead to⬆️utilization of arthroplasty also rich-poor differences would be lower due to universal health access. Our study Canada Vs US and says otherwise!! Rich-poor differences are📈 greater in Canada! @rheumnow #abst1037 #ACR21
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

While outcomes didn't worsen, de novo PsO can occur at any time point in axSpA (results per 6 year, DESIR cohort study.) Regular follow ups are key to monitoring. Abs 1311 #ACR21 #RheumNow #ACRbest @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)