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Well, this just got fun.
Let's follow this, blow by blow in this thread.
@US_FDA session #ACR21 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Abstr 1317
Impact of Memory in #axSpA
Compared to healthy controls, patients with #axSpA performed significantly worse on Memory and Attention Test (MAT) specifically in working memory and selective attention
#ACR21 @RheumNow
Akhil Sood MD AkhilSoodMD ( View Tweet)

Why do pts get #RheumatoidArthritis & also #psoriatic in same jts? Also #psoriasis recurs in same spots. Memory cells, altered permeability of cell membranes? Dunno but neat study shows early RA jt involvement likes to recur in same jts. But can spread! @RheumNow #ACR21 abst#1216
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

MSK Ultrasound demonstrated continued improvement of synovitis and enthesitis in PsA pts on secukinumab.
⭐️continued improvement of GLOESS (synovitis) and OMERACT enthesitis score at 52 weeks
Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC ( View Tweet)

Routine evaluation of MRE and MRI in Crohn's Disease could be a way to detect axSpa. 25% of 48 CD patients had abnormal SI joint finding, majority asymptomatic,
female, and had stricturing or penetrating CD @RheumNow #ACR21 Abst#1306 #ACRBest
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

What matters for PsA pts & MDs?
In this study, pts and MDs in consensus w/#arthritis dse activity, fatigue & pain as impt aspects of PsA care; but disparities still exist👇
Pts-access to care, sleep
Communication is🔑➡shared decision making
@RheumNow #ACR21 abs1165
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

A clever hack for those who have difficulty with public speaking! I would add breathe to this list! Janet Zeide presents "RHEUM" during The Gift of Gab at #ACR21 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

A retrospective cohort study demonstrates a statistically and clinically significant lower risk for developing PsA among patients with psoriasis that receive biologic medications
Abst #1355 #ACR21 @RheumNow
swethaann23 swethaann23 ( View Tweet)

@SattuiSEMD on frailty in PMR. High prevalence frailty (12-17%) and pre-frailty (54-59%). Frailty associated worse HRQoL. Abstr#1392 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

#ACR21 Opening Day Recap: Drs. Cush, Dao ( @KDAO2011) , Tate ( @uptotate) and Reyes ( @RHEUMarampa )
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

"If you follow this advice👇, you will be the best speaker in the RHEUM!"
@RheumNow #ACR21
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

Efficacy to the COVID-19 vaccine is based on both humoral (antibody) and cellular responses. Rituximab impairs B-cell response but not T-cell response to COVID-19 vaccine in auto-immune diseases @RheumNow #ACR21 8M101 Mariette X
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

Prevalence of abnormal SI joint findings on MRE and MRI is 25% in Crohn's pts. Majority didn't report back pain, were female, and had intestinal complications of CD. Abs 1306 #ACR21 #RheumNow @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Abst1005 #ACR21 #ACRBest @RheumNow study identifies monocyte-derived DC population characterized as CD209+/CD14+ DC in the synovium of RA and PsA patients sensitive to JAK/STAT, but not TNF inhibition.
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

VACOLUP study: COVID19 vacc, 1189 SLE pts
👉No sig. diff based on gender, age, nor type of vax
👉3.2% pts w/SLE flare
👉Flares mainly fatigue and MSK symptoms (SLE flare or side-effect of the vac?)
#ACR21 Abst#1421 @RheumNow #ACRBest
Pedro Castillo _Castillo_Pedro ( View Tweet)

Dr Keen presenting on GCA admitted to hospital. Propensity score matched to non-GCA population. Increased all cause mortality compared to general population in Western Australia (aHR 1.13). Most pronounced in early years after diagnosis. Abstr#1393 #ACR21 @RheumNow
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Dr Björn Bühring highlights the burden of #multimorbidity and particularly #sarcopenia in older patients with #rheumatoidarthritis.
#ACR21 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

Majority of rheum pts on csDMARDs, TNFi, JAKi & TCZ had adequate serologic response to m-RNA based vaccines. Poor vaccine reactivity mainly assoc'd w/ RTX, steroids, and MMF. Study did not include ABA. Abs 1087 #ACR21 #RheumNow #ACRbest @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Abst1083 #acr21 #ACRBest @RheumNow study of COVID-19 outcomes in pts w/systemic auto inflammatory disease:31% had a flare of underlying SAID, either concurrently (20%) or after recovering from COVID-19 (11%). The majority of SAID pts w/COVID-19 reported mild to moderate illness
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

Important to properly assess #sarcopenia in older patients with #RA. Useful tools include:
👉🏼SARC-F questionnaire (≥ 4 is abnormal)
👉🏼Muscle function tests incl Short Physical Performance Battery
#ACR21 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)