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RT @MeralElRamahiMD: SPACING trial OP0138 at #EULAR2021 ⭐️RCT by the French showing non-inferiority of spacing TNFi

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Meral K. El Ramahi, MD
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SPACING trial OP0138 at #EULAR2021 ⭐️RCT by the French showing non-inferiority of spacing TNFi in r-axSpA pts w/ LDA (BASDAI<4 x 6mo) ⭐️ 88% in spacing group remained w/ LDA vs 91.5% in standard tx ⭐️ADA, CTZ, GOL, IFX spaced by 1w intervals. ETN by 3-4d & 1w. @RheumNow
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