Pre-Clinical RA What do you need to better manage pre-clinical (at-risk) RA? Choices Optimal testing Criteria Information on who to treat aggressively (with DMARDs or biologics) Information on who to treat symptomatically How many new polyarthralgia, pre-clinical RA patients do you see per month? Choices Zero 1-4 5 or more Unsure Is there sufficient evidence on pre-clinical RA for you to initiate specific treatment? Choices Yes No Unsure How do you manage patients with pre-clinical RA in your practice? Choices Observe and retest Symptom management A course of corticosteroids DMARD or biologic Which treatment target would you prefer in a pre-clinical RA patient? Choices TNF alpha B cells T cells Symptoms only Non-specific immunosuppression Which of the following do you rely on to diagnose pre-clinical RA? Choices Serum RF or CCP ESR or CRP Number of tender joints Family history I am a rheumatologist? Choices Yes No This survey is sponsored by Bristol Myers Squibb.