Still's Diagnosis What do you rely on MOST in diagnosing Still’s disease? Choices Symptoms Lab tests Fever magnitude Sxs & Labs Yamaguchi Criteria A “great” response to which drug is presumptive evidence of a Still’s diagnosis? Choices Any dose Steroids Prednisone 60+ mg/d Canakinumab Infliximab None (can’t dx by drug response) Which early symptom of adult-onset Still’s disease is seen in >70%, but is often missed? Choices Lymphadenopathy Splenomegaly Sore throat Carpal ankylosis Which of the following is NOT a cutaneous feature of Still’s disease? Choices Urticaria Plantar plaques Leukocytoclastic vasculitis Dermatographia Which biopsy can aid the diagnosis of Still’s disease? Choices None Lymph node Muscle Skin Liver I'm a rheumatologist : Choices True False