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Hi Jack, As a solo rheumatologist not in regular contact with colleagues (I feel too isolated sometimes) busy with patient care and administrative duties, I really appreciate RheumNow, to keep updated and feel connected. Before, I used to spend about 4-6 hours per week to read up, but lately RheumNow saves me quite a bit of time. Overall I have no critique (yet). For me, to be time efficient, I focus more on items that may change my practice. I enjoy listening to Podcast at leisure time when I just cross my legs on the desk and close my eyes. I also appreciate that you sometimes include non-rheumatology issue (internal medicine, pain management, ortho,... and non-medical topics. What sometimes keep me late at night: Well, I've been lucky enjoying my solo practice, but the way things are, not sure if solo practice is a viable option for young rheumatologists in the future. Not sure if anyone knows the answer.