Especially liked the comments about fibromyalgia. As the author of "The Cleveland Clinic Guide to Fibromyalgia", agree with all (other than the tone).
Wrote this a few years ago:
The new seed, nourished by a hungry, frenetic media:
epidemic phantom contagion.
untreatable spirochetes, XMRV.
undocumented exposure to anthrax.
certain death of avian design.
anonymous toxins lurking in buildings.
always the undiscoverable fearful unknown.
Deja vu-with common symptoms that resonate from the past
and artificial convergence of the same evidence,
proof of new authentic disease.
Then comes
fruitless search,
wasted dollars,
ruined lives,
Can be curtailed and even avoided by:
wise historical perspective.
a dollop of common sense.
The universal bad seed, unbridled stress,
planted in the sensitive susceptible,
can grow a very bad thing.
Bill Wilke