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Ouch!...I mean Hortons - not knowing the difference between Hortons Disease and Hortons syndrome I looked it up and now Im confused by the mere mention of Horton - Arteritis Temporalis (of Horton); Horton Arteritis; Horton Disease I; Horton Giant Cell Arteritis; Horton Temporal Arteritis; Horton-Gilmour Disease; Horton-Magath-Brown Syndrome; Hutchinson-Horton Syndrome; Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA); Granulomatosis Arteritis; Senile Arteritis; Temporal Arteritis; Temporal Megacellular Arteritis. NB: Do not confuse with Bing-Horton syndrome or Horton disease II (cluster headache and erythroprosopalgia) 1st Ballot -- ban all eponyms! JC