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John Tesser, MD

| Mar 13, 2018 4:21 pm

Jack, I have to relate this story whereby some years ago I was in LA with a rep driving along one of LA's famed freeways. He was driving a bit slowly while focusing more on me rather then his driving in the right hand lane. As we merged with an onramp, a car pulled up fast on our tail. Then he pulled around and passed us and came around and whipped in front of us. Now he comes to a dead stop! On an LA freeway - who does that? A rather muscled but trim and not tall guy jumps out of his car holding something black in his right hand. As he is walking to us I suggested to the rep to back up - quickly - get some distance and then step on the gas, hard. The rep would do no such thing. In fact as the fellow approached our car, the rep rolled his window down about a third. This guy shouts, "Why you cut me off?" And the rep replies, I didn't cut you off, you cut me off." The accuser looks hard at both of us turns on his heels, and starts walking to his car. But then he turns and points the black object at the license plate and takes a pic. He screams off in his car down the freeway. I asked the rep if he was concerned and he said no -- it's a company car. Since then, no reps drive me.