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John A. Goldman, MD

| Nov 27, 2018 10:43 pm

For the most part still true AMA had the EHR white paper in 2015; but in Chicago, June 2018 At the National Annual meeting said they will study it for 2 years and in National Harbor during the Interim meeting November 2018 - said maybe 2021. They are dragging - not action means no help to all of this. Tom Price had the vision but I suspect was set up and patients and physicians lost him - he understood the process. Steve Stack was a former AMA president and tried to do something but he told me in June 2018 that the AMA is just not ready to do anything. My bottom line is EHR is not scientific and we are scientists and should not be allowing this policy to rape medicine! EHR should be scientifically integrated into medicine and not stuffed down our throats.