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Elliot Rosenstein

| Nov 06, 2022 12:39 pm

EPONYMS--part 2
But the goal of no longer propagating the names of disreputable and despicable individuals has been misinterpreted as the rationale for the retirement of all eponyms for similar reasons. I had the occasion to lecture on vasculitis syndromes to our medical housestaff. When I asked the residents why we had replaced Churg-Strauss syndrome with the name EGPA, I was told that it was “because they were Nazis”.
NO! They were the opposite of Nazis. They were Jewish refugees from Nazi oppression, Jacob Churg from Poland, Lotte Strauss from Germany, who made their discoveries here in the US and dedicated their careers to the betterment of mankind.
Let us retire the eponyms but may the names not be forgotten and may the memories of the righteous be honored.
