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Donald E Thomas Jr

| May 13, 2024 7:37 pm

Jack: I think Andrew is correct. Though many of us would agree with you, I can only imagine what a "non-vaxer" thought if they were the decision maker. Also, I would not tie nonvaxers to this group. There are many reasons people are "non-vaxers," but not all non-vaxers are created equal. There certainly is a subset that would be in the "Hell" category, but I find many, to most, to be decent decision makers who unfortunately have created that non-vax "internal dialogue" based upon false facts, and they just find it hard to accept opposing true facts.

btw... I rarely ever watch videos (too busy, would rather skim and read), but you lured me in with your title and loved all the tid bits of practical advice . Keep up the great work :-) ... Don