Thanks for sharing this interesting study: to get together 40 cases in a 4 year period is some achievement! The prediction nomogram is interesting, but I'm surprised that the extent of pulmonary involvement and PFTs (significant in Table 1) weren't factored into their survival prediction model. The comments on LDH and CEA as markers of severity were interesting. As you suggest, there seems to be a case to be made for using a 'cocktail' with two potent immunosuppressives + steroids - the authors seem to be favouring IVIG and Tofacitinib in their population.
Thanks for sharing this interesting study: to get together 40 cases in a 4 year period is some achievement! The prediction nomogram is interesting, but I'm surprised that the extent of pulmonary involvement and PFTs (significant in Table 1) weren't factored into their survival prediction model. The comments on LDH and CEA as markers of severity were interesting. As you suggest, there seems to be a case to be made for using a 'cocktail' with two potent immunosuppressives + steroids - the authors seem to be favouring IVIG and Tofacitinib in their population.