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Only 1 in 5 Seek Treatment for Raynaud's
October is Raynaud's Awareness Month according to the Raynaud's Association (, and a whopping 80 percent of sufferers are not aware they have the disorder and do not seek treatment.
Read ArticleIncreasing Numbers of Knee Replacements
Knee replacement surgery is on the rise, and so is the cost.
Read ArticleAnswering Patient Emails
A recent article by Dr. Joseph Eastern of the Pediatric News Network addressed an issue that confronts all practitioners - how do you handle email from patients?
Read ArticleFibromyalgia Prevalence & Characteristics
PLOS has reported the results of the 2012 US National Health Interview Survey that focuses on fibromyalgia.
Read ArticleBiosimilar SB4 Performs Equally to Etanercept
Biosimilars are rapidly growing. Many of these will have their first introduction to countries outside of the USA. There is concern whether biosimilars will provide identical pharmacodynamics, biological function, efficacy and toxicity to reference products, both in the short and long term.
Read ArticlePLLR - The Pregnancy & Lactation Labeling Rule Explained
A recent article from reviewed the FDA’s Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule (PLLR) that became effective June 30th.
Read ArticleDATA-Switch Study Finds the Right Sequence to Building Better Bone Mass
Long-term management of osteoporosis can be challenging, and given the increasing number of choices, the best sequence of drug use has not been addressed adequately.
Read ArticleFuture 2 Trial Shows Secukinumab Efficacy in Psoriatic Arthritis
Secukinumab (Cosentyx) is an anti-IL-17 monoclonal antibody currently approved for use in moderate to severe psoriasis. It has also been studied in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and shown to be safe and effective.
Read ArticleDAS28-CRP or DAS28-ESR: Are they Biosimilar?
The disease activity score (DAS28) has been developed as a dynamic assessment tool and a therapeutic response measure for use in clinical trials and practice.
Read ArticleACR Position on MOC Highlighted in Newsweek
Newsweek has reported that the American Board of Internal Medicine has struggled in the last year with increasing criticism over its requirements for maintenance of certification, or MOC.
Read ArticleNew Drugs, New Hope for Pulmonary Fibrosis
The Wall Street Journal reports that new drug development offers hope for people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a rare, progressive fibrosing lung disorder that affects nearly 200,000 Americans, mostly middle-aged and older adults.
Read ArticleGouty Tomatoes, Alveolar Hemorrhage and Famous RA Faces: August 2015 Top Social Media News
In August, RheumNow published 76 tweets covering novel news, research and teaching points gleaned from the medical literature, regulatory reports and internet sources. We had a reach (impressions) of 60,800, with 45 mentions, and 2049 visits to
Read ArticleProlonged Breastfeeding Associated with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
The effects of prior breastfeeding on bone density of postmenopausal women have been controversial. Several studies suggest that breastfeeding and childbirth lead to maternal calcium loss and a decline in bone mineral density (BMD).
Read ArticleDiastolic Dysfunction in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Poor cardiovascular outcomes have been linked to inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This includes higher rates of MI and heart failure (HF).
Read ArticleGout: New Classification Criteria from ACR/EULAR
The American College of Rheumatology and the European League against Rheumatism joined forces to finalize classification criteria for gout, a condition that affects 8.3 million Americans.
Read ArticleA Controlled Trial of Yoga Benefits Arthritis Patients
Yoga and stretching appear to be important forms of exercise for patients with fibromyalgia, but their utility has seldom been explored in patients with rheumatoid or osteoarthritis.
Read ArticleCan Fibromyalgia in Children be Treated Without Medication?
The hallmarks of fibromyalgia -- widespread pain, poor sleep, effort intolerance, fatigue -- are difficult to manage and usually require medication and a multi-modal approach.
Read ArticleIs Early Use of TNFi in Spondyloarthritis Overkill or a Necessity?
Axial SpA (axSpA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that includes AS and non-radiographic axSpA (nr-axSpA).
Read ArticleAge and Comorbidity Contribute to Higher Death Risk Following Hip Fracture Surgery
Patients undergoing surgery for a hip fracture appear to have higher death rates than those having elective total hip replacement.
Read ArticleFunding for Rheumatology Research in Decline
The Rheumatology Research Foundation and Rheumatology News report that research projects funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) dropped by 52% from 2010 to 2014, while the number funded by private foundations fell by 29% over that period.
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