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FDA News; Undeclared Dexamethasone Containing OTC Products
The FDA has issued public warnings that 4 over-the-counter products promoted for pain relief contain potentially harmful, undeclared dexamethasone. The supplements are Asihuri Plus Forte, Ginseng She Lian Wan, Jianbu Huqian Wan, and Saurean Fong Sep Lin.
Read ArticleGastroenterologists Use OTC Meds for GERD or Constipation
When gastroenterologists responded to a nationwide survey regarding their management of GERD and contipation, half of the 830 gastroenterology respondents (23% response rate) prescribed for their patients OTC proton-pump inhibitors (PPI), 13% recommended an OTC histamine-2&nbs
Read ArticleThe EULAR 2015 Report – Friday and Saturday
These abstracts and presentations were presented last week on the 12th and 13th of June at the EULAR 2015 annual meeting in Rome.
Read ArticleVaricella Zoster Virus Commonly Found in Giant Cell Artery Biopsies
Varicella-zoster virus infection was studied in temporal artery biopsies from those suspected of having giant cell arteritis.
Read ArticleIncreasing Incidence of Osteomyelitis
A Mayo Clinic analysis of trends in osteomyelitis disclosed 760 new cases between 1969 and 2009 in Olmstead county. Rates increased from 11.4 cases per 100,000 person-years for the period from 1969 to 1979 to 24.4 per 100,000 person-years in the period from 2000 to 2009.
Read ArticleCosmic Etiology to RA and Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Researchers at Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic and the NIH have determined that solar cycles and geomagnetic effects may account for the incidence of RA and PMR.
Read ArticleThe Risk of Uveitis in AS Treated with TNF Blockers
Claims data analysis of 2115 ankylosing spondylitis patients without uveitis who started TNF inhibitor therapy revealed that the median time to the onset of uveitis was longest for those taking adalimumab (243 days), followed by etanercept (182 days) and infliximab (144 days). 
Read ArticleExpanding Global Biosimilar Market
Between 2010 and 2013, $95 billion in branded pharmaceutical patents will have expired, leading to significantly higher sales opportunities for those manufacturing generics and biosimilars.
Read ArticleAMA Requests 2-Year Grace Period for ICD-10 Implementation
Physicians at the 2015 AMA Annual Meeting passed policy calling on CMS not to withhold claim payments based on coding errors, mistakes or malfunctions in the system for two years directly following ICD-10 implementation.
Read ArticleThe EULAR 2015 Report- Friday
These abstracts and presentations were presented 12 June at the EULAR 2015 annual meeting.
Read ArticleThe EULAR 2015 Report - Thursday
These abstracts and presentations were presented Thursday 11 June at the EULAR 2015 annual meeting.
Read ArticleEULAR Recommendations on Imaging for SpA
A EULAR task force of 21 rheumatologists and radiologists from 11 countries examined 12 clinical/imaging questions and reviewed the literature to establish consensus on imaging for spondyloarthritis in practice.
Read ArticleThe EULAR 2015 Report - Wednesday
EULAR 2015 started the afternoon of Wednesday June 10th.
Read ArticleRheumatic Manifestations of Chikungunya Virus
Chikungunya is a new viral cause of fever and arthritis, especially in endemic areas like the caribbean. The chikungunya epidemic has grown significantly in the Western hemisphere with a total of 1,247,000 cases and 183 fatalities since
Read ArticleIs Ultrasound Changing Rheumatology Practice?
The recent inclusion of ultrasound in the classification criteria of various rheumatic diseases, such as polymyalgia rheumatica and gout, implies this imaging technique is not onlyuseful as a valued diagnostic tool for individual cases, but also on a larger scale, it will improve doctors' ability to
Read ArticleAllopurinol Reduces Mortality in Gout
CVD risk is significantly augmented in gout. Choi and coworkers studied this issue using a UK general population database using an incident user cohort study with propensity score matching.
Read ArticleDoes Cirrhosis Increase the Risk of Autoimmune Disorders?
A Danish nationwide healthcare registry was used to identify newly diagnosed alcoholic cirrhosis patients between 1977 and 2010. A matched cohort analysis compared each patient with five random individuals from the population.
Read ArticleHigh Flare Rates with Drug Withdrawal in JIA
While many adult rheumatologists are able to lessen or withdraw DMARD and biologic therapy in adults, little is known about the success of this practice in pediatric rheumatology clinics.
Read ArticleKnee Implant Forecast from 2012 - 2018
The global knee implants market was USD 8.4 billion in 2011, and it's forecasted to reach USD 15 billion in 2018, with compound annual growth rate of 8.64% during 2011 to 2018. The U.S.
Read ArticleDifficulties Diagnosing Interstitial Lung Disease in Scleroderma
The diagnosis of chronic lung disease in patients with systemic sclerosis may be difficult because of atypical symptoms, variable evolution and limitations of current classification criteria for a definite diagnosis. Nevertheless, diagnosis is necessary as patients with SSc-ILD have a p
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