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Naysayers & Disrupters (3.22.2024)
Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from the past week - including a few contrary reports on infection, seropositivity and plasmapheresis.
Read ArticleCV Risk Early with Rheumatic Disease Diagnosis
A Finnish populaton study shows that the temporal relationship between cardiovascular (CV) comorbidities in rheumatic diseases (RMD) is seen early after the RMD diagnosis.
2023 EULAR Psoriatic Arthritis Recommendations
EULAR has updated its treatment recommendations from the prior 2019 guidelines, since which there have been several newly developed agents. The updated guidance includes 7 overarching principles and 11 recommendations regarding treatment strategy and pharmacological therapies.
Read ArticleExpert Panel Guidance on Managing Psoriatic Arthritis and Comorbidities
An expert panel has published their consensus guidelines for the management of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and it's comorbidities in the journal Rheumatology.
Read ArticleChronic MSK Pain and Earlier Retirement
Frequent musculoskeletal pain is linked with an increased risk of exiting work and retiring earlier, according to a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE.
Read ArticleInfection and Rituximab-linked Immunoglobulin Deficiency
A minority of immune-mediated inflammatory disease (IMID) patients treated with rituximab (RTX) are expected to develop and depressed immunoglobulin (Ig) levels. A recent cohort analysis suggests that RTX-induced Ig deficiency was not associated with an increased risk of severe infecti
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