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Repetitive Testing of Anti-dsDNA Antibodies May Predict Flares in SLE
In abstract #0327 presented during the poster session on Saturday, Dr. Ai Li Yeo and colleagues investigated the usefulness of serial anti-dsDNA testing in predicting flares among SLE patients who have persistently positive anti-dsDNA titers.
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Rheumatology Secrets & Pearl Lecture
with Dr. John Stone:
- Patient presenting with fever, headache, neck pain, and CPPD of multiple joints.
- Consider Crowned Dens Syndrome. CT Neck showing calcification around Odontoid Process
@RheumNow #ACR22
Akhil Sood MD AkhilSoodMD ( View Tweet)

Henningson et al. IV methylpred in GCA. No better visual acuity, higher cumulative GC at 3 months, higher diabetes. Interesting! I find it so hard not to give, in case the contralateral eye gets it, but no evidence for this @rheumnow #ACR22 Abstr#0459
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Morning stiffness has the highest correlate to disease activity in pregnant AS patients, as demonstrated in Abs 0374. I will indeed be focusing on this much more for my patients. #ACR22 #ACRbest @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

RheumNow’s expanded coverage of the #ACR22 Annual meeting is sponsored in part by Novartis. All content chosen by RheumNow & its Faculty
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Kunishita et al Abatacept in those with RA and prev cancer (or not). Equally effective. No significant difference in 5-year malignancy but those curves look like they are diverging to me! @rheumnow #ACR22 Abstr#0255
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

What do you do if a person with #rheumatoidarthritis was great on 1st JAKi. It was 1st line advanced Rx @RheumNow #ACR22
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

They're #dopplegangers! #IgG4RD and #GPA both can have similar clinical manifestations, storiform fibrosis and elevated IgG4 levels. Distinguishing factors can be: necrosis, granulomatous inflammation, neutrophilic inflammation, and presence of ANCA #ACR22 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Guselkumab in bionaïve PsA
Work productivity data at 2 yrs
64% employed at BL; 50% work impairment at BL
84% employed at BL continued to work
Amongst unemployed at BL proportion of pts working rose by >=20%
Abst #0509 #ACR22 @Rheumnow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

Migratory oligoarticular arthritis of AAV favors the lower extremities and may herald a flare. – Dr. J Stone #ACR22 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Yamaguchi et al. Effect of concurrent RO62 abs in Jo1+ antisynthetase syndrome. Present in 16%. Associated more muscle involvement 85% vs 59% (p=0.011). Maybe more Raynauds 56% vs 38% (p=0.09)
#ACR22 Abstr#0162
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

"Serum complement levels are the Rosetta Stone for understanding lupus activity in pregnancy." Dr. Stone @RheumNow #ACR22
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Raynaud's may not be first presenting symptom in SSc with RNA Pol3 antibodies. May be a mimic of early inflammatory arthritis. Implications for steroid use.
@RheumNow #ACR22 #Pearls
Julian Segan JulianSegan ( View Tweet)

How is BASDAI reflecting dis activity in pregnant women w/ AS?
Back pain and fatigue from 2nd sem onwards & BASDAI in 3rd sem = poor sens & spe.
Morning stiffness = highest classification value.
Abstr #0374 #ACR22 @Rheumnow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

“Not always bilateral symmetrical arthropathy”
Early RA also px
💥Asymmetric Oligoarthritis
💥Migratory oligoarthritis
🔥not to miss in mig. oligoarthritis
✅GC response
#ACR22 @RheumNow #rheumpearls
Patricia Harkins DrTrishHarkins ( View Tweet)

Narain et al. SSA/SSB and RO52 abs in IIM with ILD. No difference with SSA/SSB+ . RO52+ lung function more likely to decline over time. FVC, p = 0.0117; FEV1, p = 0.0045; DLCO p = 0.0027 @rheumnow #ACR22 Abstr#0164
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Eshagh @TerrierBen et al. AAV in SSC patients. It does happen! 30 cases. More common in lcSSc, Scl70+, fibrosing ILD. Mostly MPA with +MPO and renal disease. @rheumnow #ACR22 Abstr#0435
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Fascinating. Folle et al. Using neural networks to distinguish seropositive RA, seronegative RA, and PsA based on MRI. Especially mind-blowing that can separate sero+ and sero- RA @rheumnow #ACR22 Abstr#242
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

#RheumPearl: "A creatinine 1.0 mg/dL is likely abnormal in a pregnant patient; pregnancy normally increase eGFR, normal Cr should be 0.4-0.7 mg/dL" - Dr. J Stone @rheumnow #ACR22
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Review meds in someone with a flare of cutaneous lupus. These common meds can be culprits.
@RheumNow #ACR22 #Pearls
Julian Segan JulianSegan ( View Tweet)