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Don’t be ‘ticked’: TYK2 is not a JAK!
Recently the FDA approved deucravacitinib, a highly selective TYK2 inhibitor for psoriasis. Trials are positive in psoriatic arthritis and a phase II study in SLE. What about the effects? Presentations from the ACR22 meeting may provide answers.
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mTORC1 may be driver of inflammation that connects the pathogenesis of sJIA and MAS as seen in mouse models. Further evaluation needs to be determined in humans, but interesting nonetheless. Abs 0004 #ACR22 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

💊MTX ⬆️ response of Pegloticase in resistant gout pts (60% vs PBO 30.8%)
🦶Tophus resolution wk 52 >24 (cont. benefit💪🏻)
🧪⬇️ drug Ab with MTX
✅ No new IRs
Abst#0001 #ACR22 @RheumNow #plenary
Patricia Harkins DrTrishHarkins ( View Tweet)

Excellent start to the first plenary session!
MIRROR study - MTX coadministration with pegloticase for gout treatment
- doubling of efficacy and 7x decrease in infusion reactions
- less anti-PEG abs
@RheumNow #ACR22 Abs#0001
Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC ( View Tweet)

2022 IIM-assoc'd CA screening key takeaways
Most common CA: lung, ovarian, colorectal, lymphoma, breast, & naso-pharyngeal
High risk: DM, +anti-TIF1 gamma, +antiNXP2, >40 at IIM dx, severe/active dz, cutaneous necrosis, dysphagia
Abs 0002 #ACR22 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

So good to be back in the plenary hall. It’s on #ACR22 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Best Overall! by Dr. Lauren Harper #ACR22 Image Competition @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Keynote lecture from Abraham Varghese at #ACR22 @RheumNow Opening Session Physicians and Patients
◦ Physical examination is meaningful and cannot be replaced by technology
◦ Don’t treat the EHR, treat the patient
◦ Acknowledge how much goes into patient care by our nurses
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

@MayoClinic data for bari in relapsing GCA caused waves at #ACR21
Spanish data looking at real-world practice: slightly longer, slower GCA, but equally encouraging outcomes
waiting for SELECT-GCA with interest! @EBRheum
ABST0464 #ACR22 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Ab0349 #ACR22 BEL vs AZA ifn risks in non-renal SLE
BEL: lower risk of severe ifn (HR 0.81) and hospitalization for ifn (HR 0.73) through 5 yrs
Challenge to interpret data as 56% of patients were on glucocorticoids and other anti-rheumatic meds
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

⬆️ correlation between BASDAI + ASQoL in 🙋♂️ vs 🙋♀️
What does this mean?
❓low disease activity in 🙋♀️ resulting in more marked ⬇️ in QoL❓
❓Is there a need for gender stratified tools of disease activity❓
#ACR22 @RheumNow @Sineadm15
Patricia Harkins DrTrishHarkins ( View Tweet)

A #myositis discussion will not be complete without a slide on myositis antibodies - @JuliePaikMD
Great review slide for trainees!
#ACR22 @Rheumnow #RheumTwitter @rheumarhyme @PhRheumaJr @doktora_ging
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

MIRROR results showed 12-month safety/efficacy support MTX co-therapy w/ pegloticase. No IRs after 6mo of tx and increased resolution of tophi at wk 52. I use MTX in my gout pts on Pegloticase. Are you #rheumtwitter? Abs 0001 #ACR22 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

🔸DM pts who are anti-TIF-1 Ab+ have higher risk of malignancy
🔸Ovarian cancer - most common
Really important to do cancer screening in #dermatomyositis
#ACR22 @RheumNow
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

Study of IV tocilizumab for GCA that led to FDA approval of intravenous TCZ this year (2/2022) -one of Dr. C Langford's pick for #YearinReview
@rheumnow #ACR22
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Is it the medication or behaviour that increases mortality? #SLICC grp showed in #SLE severe non-adherence to #HCQ in Yr 1 of #lupus = 3 poor outcomes -more 1 flares, 2 damage, 3 5yr-death. Surrogate of other poor health behaviours and/or HCQ? abst#0343 #ACR22 #ACRBest @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

OPAL dataset 🇦🇺: 55000+ RA pts, 1/10 first line JAKi. Persistence > if 1st line,< x2 if 3rd line.
1/2 switch JAKi->TNFi
1/3 switch JAKi ->JAKi
Why high proportion of JAKi cycling, when AE reason for switch low?
Abst #0274 #ACR22 @Rheumnow @ClaireDeakin10
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

Ab#0348 #ACR22: Meta-analysis of Belimumab for CLE w or w/o SLE
13 studies included: 70% with low risk of bias
BEL improved clinical response at W52 vs non-users OR 1.44
Decrease risk of severe cutaneous flare OR 0.51
Most studies against placebo group
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

TCZ in GCA: what does it mean for diabetes?
post-hoc GiACTA:
HbA1c obvs better with TCZ (PNL dosing)
but then: even after adjusting for PNL dose, apparent benefit
Is there protective effect?
Interesting observation worth investigating
ABST0461 @MGHrheumatology #ACR22 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

#ACR22 Year in Review. Dr Varga highlighted work by @Kahlenberglab. Non-lesional skin in patients with #lupus is not normal and is IFN-riched. Also implication for future therapy development to target organ/tissues vs circulation @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)