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EULAR 2022 – Day 2 Report
A full day at EULAR with oral and poster presentations of abstracts in the morning and a plethora of scientific (review) sessions in the afternoon. The latter covering topics like sarcoidosis, Still’s disease, fibromyalgia, back pain, sarcopenia, APS, IgG4 and imaging in vasculitis.
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Risk of haematological malignancy in PsA
Nordic cohorts
*40 events, IR 67/100 000 person-years
*NO difference between PsA bionaive and TNFi treated
BUT *⬆️ in PsA vs. matched controls
*no difference between myeloid and lymphoid malignancies.
OP0257 #EULAR2022 @RheumNow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

Swedish study by Lindstrom U et al of over 3000 PsA patients matched with RA comparators showed that the length of time on MTX (PsA 4.5 and RA 4.4 years) before adding or switching to b/tsDMARD was identical in PsA (34%) and matched RA controls (33%) #EULAR2022 @RheumNow POS0073
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

Can genetics solve all the world's problems with predicting response to therapy in rheumatology?
No - but maybe it can be a part of the solution?
Multi-domain apporaches (including good clinical data) needed to really have cut-through
@karolinskainst OP0267 #EULAR2022 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

#OP0248 #EULAR2022 In contrast to data from #OP0247 where SpA was protective, a matched population study in Canada found the opposite - increased risk of hospitalisation & death in SpA. A meta-analysis cd help to disentangle this @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

New Tool! STAR (#Sjogren’s Tool for Assessing Response) was developed to assess treatment response in primary Sjogren’s and will be validated on 3 datasets #EULAR2022 @rheumnow OP0286
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Izokibep Phase 2 in active PsA at Wk 16 results (80mg dose):
⭐️ACR50 52%
⭐️PASI 90 50%
⭐️Resolution of enthesitis LEI 88%
⭐️Safety profile similar to what observed in PsO.
Promising for the enthesitis domain!
@RheumNow OP0258 #EULAR2022
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

Dr Singh @NamrataRheum et al. VA study of lymphoma risk with b/tsDMARDs. No increased risk found. HR adjusted time-fixed and time-varying covariates vs csDMARD 1.04 (0.80-1.35) @RheumNow #EULAR2022 POS1434
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

#OP0251 #EULAR2022 Any data to support association of RA-ILD with poor #COVID outcomes? A study is US >500 pts (9% ILD) showed ILD as well as poor RA status (RF+ & erosion) increased risk. Detailed analysis inc Radiographic + PFT cd help stratify risk further @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

#EULAR2022 OP0276: What do patients want for preventative interventions for RA?
⭐️Survey of 1st degree relatives of RA pts (at risk) vs general pop were similar
⭐️'Hypothetical' treatment profile best aligned to abatacept
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Montastruc et al. VigiBase study of CV and VTE events in JAKi vs TNFi. >270000 events. DECREASE in MACE ROR=0.87 [95%CI 0.80-0.95]. INCREASE in DVT: ROR=3.99 [3.15-5.04], PE: ROR=3.47 [2.90-4.13] @RheumNow #EULAR2022 OP0268
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Survival of RA-ILD pts w/ lung 🫁 transplantation
Retrospective single centre study
*Mortality 36%
*Usual Interstitial Pneumonia worst prognosis w/ HR 7.13 (did not reach significance, small cohort)
*Survival time comparable to other lung Tx cohorts
#EULAR2022 OP0275 @RheumNow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

OP0285 Voclosoporin effective in #lupusNephritis from AURA-LV and AURORA1 to achieve EULAR/ERA nephritis targets (proteinuria < 0.7 mg/mg and pred < 7.5 mg/d) at 1 year @AuriniaPharma #EULAR2022 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

MACE in JAKi vs TNFi: did spontaneous reporting pharmacovigilance pick it?
Vigibase: MACE (really MI) & VTE signals there before the scare
Always chance regulatory warnings cause stimulated reporting
but signal here was clear before RCT-driven alerts
OP0268 #EULAR2022 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Video: Further Considerations of the ORAL Surveillance Study
Further Considerations of ORAL Surveillance Study - this week there are new analyses and sub-analyses that further explain findings and who this data applies to. #EULAR2022
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Real world study of over 6500 patients from a French Health Insurance database by Pina Vegas et al showed higher persistence of IL17i than TNFi for PsA and PsO. IL17i had better persistence than IL12/23 for PsA and no difference for PsO over 3 years #EULAR2022 @RheumNow POS0075
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

WATCH: New 2022 ASAS/EULAR Recommendations on the Management of AxSpA
Dr. Sophia Ramiro (Leiden University Medical Center) presents an overview of the new Spondyloarthritis treatment guidelines from ASAS/EULAR Task Force. #EULAR2022
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

What is "backfill" on MRI? Answer: joint space lesions with a calcified matrix resembling new bone formation found in axSpA. #EULAR2022 POS0149 argues for a standardization of this nomenclature. @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

To contrast or not to contrast (in RA hand MRI?) POS0718 from #EULAR2022 showed good correlation between contrast/non-contrast imaging in synovitis, less so in tenosynovitis however.
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

The expanding spectrum of Systemic Autoinflammatory Disease (SAID) by Marco Gattorno using a combination of clinical assessment, genetic testing and imaging to define the phenotype of SAID #EULAR2022 @RheumNow
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)