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Say Goodbye to Methotrexate in PMR?
For decades, glucocorticoids (GCs) have formed the backbone of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) management.
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Wallace et al. Case control study. 648 cases 1241 controls. Cumulative glucocorticoid dose and risk MACE. Dose dependent increase in risk, OR 1.01 for 10% increase GC, 1.21 for 10-fold increase GC. @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#1719
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Single cell TCR sequence study explores the limitations of TRBV9-depleting therapies in axial spondyloarthritis.
Key findings:
- Identified a clonally expanded TRBV5-5+ TCR in HLA-B27+ acute anterior uveitis.
- Alternative TRBVs may retain pathogenicity and evade anti-TRBV9…
Antoni Chan MD (Prof) synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

📝Bimekizumab 160mg Q4 weeks in r-axSpA and nr-axSpA achieved
substantial reductions in MRI inflammation at Wk 16 maintaining to Wk 52.
-PBO‑switchers (started at week 16) reached similar levels of improvement as continuous BKZ pts at Wk 52.
Abst#1757 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Adela Castro AdelaCastro222 ( View Tweet)

A#1744 AI for RA to improve scheduling in UK
39% pts meet quality metric for early intervention
Input: RF, CRP, CCP, gender, age -> 51% accuracy (compare to first appt clinical accur 46%)
Focusing on highest risk -> 88% accuracy -> 50% wait time for high-risk pts
#ACR24 @RheumNow
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Strive for remission (CDAI ≤2.8) to achieve better functional outcomes in RA
#ACR24 @RheumNow ABST#1743
Jiha Lee JihaRheum ( View Tweet)

In a cohort of >17,000 European pts w/ axSpA:
-bDMARD naïve pts starting TNFi or IL-17Ai were more likely to achieve LDA than TNF-experienced.
-Higher time to achieve LDA and shorter durability in pts with prior TNFi use.
Abst#1756 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Adela Castro AdelaCastro222 ( View Tweet)

Further evidence for risk of #MACE with cumulative GC use in RA
In a national cohort of pts with RA: ⬆️cumulative GC exposure associated with ⬆️odds of MACE, regardless of baseline MACE risk
Ab1719 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

Study revealing the Uterine-Joint Axis in female axial spondyloarthritis, highlighting dysbiosis and subclinical uterine inflammation as key factors in disease pathogenesis.
Key findings:
- Distinct microbiota profiles in AxSpA patients vs. healthy controls.
- Significant genital…
Antoni Chan MD (Prof) synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

Are there benefits of getting LDA to remission?
Remission CDAI <2.8, VLDA 2.8-6, LDA 6-10
After 1 yr f/u of LDA, 45% Rem, 40 VLDA, 16 LDA
Not in remiss - higher BMI, longer duration, higher resource utilization, worse PRO
No clear diff bw remission & VLDA
#ACR24 @RheumNow
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

Frideres et al. Target trial emulation in RA-ILD. Primar outcome death or respiratory hospitialization. Abatacept (aHR 0.90), tocizilumab (aHR 0.93), tofacitinib (aHR 0.69) vs rituximab. @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#1713
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

To get one or two lungs for lung transplant? 🫁
Autoimmune related ILD transplant outcomes?
145 single (SLT), 461 double (DLT)
Similar 1 yr mortality - HR SLT 1.19 unadjusted, 1.49 adj - not statistically significance
@RheumNow #ACR24
Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)

BE MOBILE 1 & 2: Bimekizumab resulted in improvement of SIJ MRI inflammation & structural lesions particularly after 16 wks of treatment and continued on until wk. 52.
Supports addtl evidence of BKZ's winning streak in #axSpA
@RheumNow #ACR24 abs1757
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

A picture is worth a thousand words—and so are the four abstracts behind it! At #ACR24, I highlight the benefits and risks of apremilast in #PsA.
Akhil Sood MD AkhilSoodMD ( View Tweet)

Chevet et al. What happens when you withdraw tocilizumab after 6 months in PMR? Follow up of SEMAPHORE study. 80.8% relapsed! Median time to relapse 15 weeks. @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#1698
Richard Conway RichardPAConway ( View Tweet)

Choose Rheum!
Hart & Kumar interviewed trainees about picking rheumatology... major themes:
▶️ exposure prior to medical training
▶️ mentorship/sponsorship
▶️ long-term self-reflection
▶️ chance!
How can we optimize first 3 to build our workforce?
@RheumNow #ACR24 Abst 1738
Brian Jaros, MD Dr_Brian_MD ( View Tweet)

Is 6M TCZ treatment enough to induce lasting remission in PMR?
➡️cohort of pts in SEMAPHORE trial
➡️among pts in remission after 6M TCZ, 1/4 were relapse-free after TCZ discontinuation
⏩6M treatment not enough to withdraw TCZ
Ab1698 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

Is #IL1 inhibition for 4 months a winner in #GCA —NOPE
Anakinra daily 100mg sc 4/12
Underpowered but equal relapses and d/c #steroids not different
#relapses esp after d/c #anakinra
N=30 d/c due to #COVIDpandemic
#1699 #ACR24 @RheumNow @ACRheum
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

#Gout attack is assoc w 1.5 X MI, MACE in next 30 days
@ACRheum @RheumNow #ACR24
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

#HRT is not much of a risk of
Breast cancer
Compared to
A drink a day of #ETOH
#ACR24 @RheumNow @ACRheum
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)