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Hand OA Rx strikes out. HCQ Rx neg and colchicine Trial negative. I wouldn’t put hand OA as same category of no Rx as for SSc and Sjogrens but agree though nuts to crack @eular_org @CRASCRRheum @earlyarthritis #EULAR2020
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)
#EULAR2020 OP0333: Could SLE itself be a risk factor for retinopathy (not just because of HCQ)? @Janetbirdope study of >600 pts noted retinopathy risk factors: 1. longer duration of antimalarials 2. any use of chloroquine 3. SLE (OR 16.1 CI 2.1-125) @RheumNow
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)
Awesome colchicine data from @CatherineL_Hill @samwhittle and others: Colchicine is not effective for reducing osteoarthritic hand pain compared to placebo: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial (COLAH) Abstract FRI0399 #EULAR2020 @RheumNow
Dr Philip Robinson philipcrobinson ( View Tweet)
People with #rheumatoid #arthritis reporting major stressors in life had worse #pain, #disability, #depression, #fatigue and sleep disturbance at diagnosis and a year later - despite control of disease. Andersen et al (2020) #EULAR2020goesvirtual #EULARHPR
Dr Mwidimi Ndosi ndosie ( View Tweet)
Hope to see you next year Paris!!!... meanwhile lets take care..
Dr.Martínez MtzReuma ( View Tweet)
#EULAR2020 THU0260 LESS IS BEST when it comes to steroids: Singapore 10 yr retrospect SLE study noted GCs dose is an independent predictor of mortality for hospitalized infection even when adjusted for disease activity.
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)
#tacrolimus #prograf is non inferior to #MMF #cellcept in #lupus #nephritis induction. We’ve been doing it for years but great to see some solid RCT data behind this. #rheumatology #SLE #autoimmune
Mohammad A. Ursani MD, RhMSUS DrMAUrsani ( View Tweet)
Updated #EULAR2020 guidelines on management of #lupus #nephritis #SLE #rheumatology #autoimmune #SLE
Mohammad A. Ursani MD, RhMSUS DrMAUrsani ( View Tweet)
#EULAR2020 THU0268 Neuro-develp't in 60 children w/ SLE +APS mothers (n=38):
25% ADHD
93% recent memory delay (assc w/⬆️tetrahydrobiopterin level. p=0.01)
40% speech delay
39.4% maternal APS assc w/special needs education in offsprings age >2 yrs, p<0.05
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)
#EULAR2020 Dr. V Ritschl:EULAR Task Force on Patient Adherance: 30-80% of pts do not adhere to Rx. resulting in ⬆️dz severity, pain, fatigue, depression, decreased in function, physical activity. HCPs should discuss adherance reg. & explore factors affecting adherance. @RheumNow
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)
#EULAR2020 Dr. M. Voshaar noted HCPs can improve patient Rx adherance by asking:
1. What are the pts goals w/treatment?
2. Are there barriers to obtaining and taking meds?
3. Do pts feel sufficiently involved in the shared decision making process? @rheumnow
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)
ENbrel works in long term for the few people left on the drug at 10 yrs with SpA. Enormous dropout. If you are still on Rx for a decade you are in the minority. Drop out of TNFi in SpA mirrors RA & PsA @RheumNow @eular_org @CRASCRRheum @earlyarthritis #EULAR2020
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)
#EULAR2020 THU0225 Results of a Retrospect UK study: Monitor SLE patients with Sm+Ro+RNP autoAb combo closely; these patients have a higher rate (90.6%) of developing LN within 5 years of diagnosis compared to those w/o Ab (55.8%), p=0.002. @RheumNow
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)
#EULAR2020 - it's been a blast!
Thanks as always for everyone following the meeting on Twitter - the conversation on here has made the meeting for me!
It's been lots of fun covering the meeting for @RheumNow - look out for some videos out on next week 🙂
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)
Your #RA patients in low disease or remission, do you maintain, reduce or stop DMARDs #EULAR2020
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)
#EULAR2020 Updated RA Mgmt Recc
Main points:
1. MTX 1st line (if contraind, then SSZ/LEF; NOT HCQ)
2. Add bDMARD/JAKi if 1st csDMARD doesn't work + poor Px
3. Use IL-6i or JAKi for pts who can only take monoRx and failed csDMARD
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)
Study in Norway reveals that the majority of the women w/ SpA were not treated with TNF inhibitors before or during pregnancy. Few on TNFi were continued on tx during pregnancy. #EULAR2020 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)
Sustained clinical response shown over the 10 yrs of this German study in r-axSpA and nr-axSpA pts treated with ETN. No new safety signals. Abstract #AB0660 #EULAR2020 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)
Switching TNFi to VDZ in pts IBD-related SpA associated w/ articular exacerbation of SpA in 1 out of 4 patients within the first 5 months. New-onset MEM is also observed in up to 15% of patients with IBD treated with VDZ. #EULAR2020 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)
Study of the French registries for TCZ, RTX, ABA, compared the risk of GI perforations (GIP). GIP risk was higher with TCZ (vs RTX,ABA) but was largely due to TCZ increasing the risk of diverticulitis. #EULAR2020 #OP0022
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)