Articles By Ronan Kavanagh
Methotrexate Update
I was delighted to see that investigators presenting work at EULAR 2018 haven’t lost interest in our old friend methotrexate, with a number of abstracts examining issues of safety, dose and route of administration.
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Changing my Mind at EULAR
Each year I attend I hope that I’m going to come across something that changes my practice and this year, I think I may have struck gold at a session on Giant Cell arteritis at EULAR in Amsterdam.
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Despite regular attendance at medical meetings and despite fulfilling regulatory requirements for our specialty, I’m not sure how much I learn that changes the way I practice medicine. So I recently persuaded a colleague to come and coach me, inviting him to observe me for a morning in clinic. This was the first time I had been observed in this way since I was a medical student. A little daunting, but after a while I largely forgot he was there. Then he gave me some feedback.
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