Articles By Kathryn H. Dao, M.D.

How to Handle Latex Allergies and Biologics
What to do when a patient has a latex allergy and you prescribe an injectable biologic (many having latex allergy as a contraintication)?
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Should Lupus Patients Receive Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccines? (Best of 2015)
Barry Waters, MD*: I have a 21 yr old lupus nephritis patient on mycophenolate, hydroxychloroquine and prednisone 40 mg per day.
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Should Lupus Patients Receive Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccines?
I have a 21 yr. old lupus nephritis patient on mycophenolate, hydroxychloroquine and prednisone 40 mg per day. She says both her current nephrologist and her prior pediatric rheumatologist told her NOT to get pneumococcal and flu vaccines. I thought she is supposed to get them - any comment?
Read ArticleHydrocodone: Then and Now
Today marks the one year anniversary of hydrocodone becoming a schedule II drug with more restrictive access. Has life been better under these new rules?
Read ArticleWomen: stand up for yourselves!
I was recently offered a project that paid a lot less than what I feel my time is worth. My research on compensation suggests a male colleague would have been offered at least 2-3 times as much for the same project. At first I was insulted, but then I took a deep breath and said to myself, I need to negotiate for a higher price. Why not?
Read ArticleHow do you handle questions about sex?
I had just finished going over the prognosis and treatment plan with my newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis patient. I asked if she had any questions for me. She did.
Read ArticleDoes Recertification M.O.C.(K) Physicians?
Many rheumatologists need to go through the recertification process. The ABIM handling of this "requirement" has generated heated discussions over what appears to be an expensive, onerous, and irrelevant effort.
Read ArticleTop 5 Things Rheumatologists Should Know about Vaccines
Rheumatologists should have a working knowledge on what vaccinations their patients need. The top 5 things rheumatologists should know about vaccines are...
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