Articles By Megan E. B. Clowse, MD, MPH

ICYMI: Changing the Conversation with Patients: Lupus
Dr. Megan Clowse from Duke University talks about changing how she talks to patients with lupus, exploring and treating two types of lupus. This RheumThoughts was originally published April 5, 2023, and is being shared again in case you missed it.
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Changing the Conversation with Patients: Lupus
Dr. Megan Clowse from Duke University talks about changing how she talks to patients with lupus, exploring and treating two types of lupus.
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Pregnancy and Psoriatic Arthritis
Patient TS was a 30 year old woman who had been living with psoriatic arthritis for about 18 months. Her symptoms had started about 6 months after the birth of her first child with mild psoriasis in her scalp but increasing joint pain in her hands, wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles.
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