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AI meets Rheumatology: ChatGPT and patient response optimization
Large language models, such as ChatGPT, are advanced systems trained on vast amounts of text data, far exceeding what a human can read in a lifetime, to understand and generate human-like language. With these tools at our disposal, they are inevitably making their way into healthcare. One notable example is response optimization for SLE patients, as highlighted in abstract #0989.
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OP0086 #EULAR2024 @RheumNow #EULARBest
Pain & remission/low disease activity at 3m in pts with #RA in RA-BE-REAL
Pts taking #baricitinib more likely to achieve pain control vs TNFi/other mode of action
1/2 pts achieving remission/LDA & had bari achieved ≥70% pain relief.
Mrinalini Dey DrMiniDey ( View Tweet)

TOLERA trial in RA
RTX/ABA sequence versus RTX alone
10pts each group
Primary outcome was ambitious: ACPA seroconversion
No difference between ttmts (and also no seroconversion)
No diff in disease activity
No diff in ACPA change wt wk52
@RheumNow OP0069 #EULAR2024
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

200 millions pts PSO
1st line, Reduction risk PsA: IL 12-23 37% & IL-23 39% vs. TNFi
2nd line ttmt, IL12-23i 32% & IL-23i 31%
IL-23i 47% lower proba PsA than IL-17i 3 & 5 yrs
Can't exclude some channeling bias, but that's a big signal!
@RheumNow OP0010 #EULAR2024 #EULARBest
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

ABA NOT (!) superior to ADA
in dual seropositive SE+ MTX IR RA pts
ACR50 rate high in both gps ABA 59% vs ADA 64%
No new safety signal
Defeating the encouraging data from smaller trials
Abstr#OP0007 #EULAR2024 @RheumNow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

RheumNow’s expanded coverage of the #EULAR2024 Annual meeting is sponsored in part by Bristol Myers Squibb and UCB. All content is chosen by RheumNow & our Faculty.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

What is the origin of pain in difficult to manage axSpA?
1- Inflammation
2- Degenerative
3- Central Nervous System
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases ARD_BMJ ( View Tweet)

Ph III RCT SHR0302 JAK1 selective inhibitor in RA
500+ pts
ACR20 wk 24 SHR0302 8mg & 4mg PBO 75% 70% 40%
ACR70 wk 24 SHR0302 8mg & 4mg PBO 31% 22% 7%
Safety similar other JAKi
Abstr#OP0037 #EULAR24 @RheumNow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

Digital biomarkers are also going to be useful int he future - from devices such as phone / watches.
Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)

Great 1st #EULAR2024 scientific session: “Asymptomatic” Hyperuricemia — innocent bystander vs. menacing foe. Data re: effects on joints, kidneys, & heart have not supported clear clinical consequences w/ exception of kidney crystal deposition. TIGER Study results eagerly awaited.
Tuhina Neogi, MD, PhD Tuhina_Neogi ( View Tweet)

Final prep in my hotel room for tomorrow’s big #EULAR2024 opening debate: this David up against the metaphorical (if not physical) Goliath, @Janetbirdope.
Data does not adequately justify this JAKi regulatory safety warning, tomorrow I’ll tell you why. Details below ⬇️
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Encouraging Timeline for future potential treatments for #SLE #Lupus
@LUPUSUK @LupusMadrid @Lupus_Chat @LupusEurope
Dr Gurdeep S Dulay gurdeep_dulay ( View Tweet)

Reminder of relevance of #Rheumatoid factor
⬆️RF also predicts
cardiovascular events ⚠️
⬆️disease activity
❗️Worse outcomes
#EULAR2024 #RF #RA
Dr Gurdeep S Dulay gurdeep_dulay ( View Tweet)

OP0048 Impressive CLASI (lupus skin index score) with #deucravacitinib - data presented by Dr C Arriens #EULAR24 @RheumNow #WiR
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

What is new in RA at #EULAR2024?
Below 👇🏻 my article summarising some of the exciting new MoA, therapeutic strategies and drugs that might (or not) shape RA future!
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

🚨New(ish) MoA in RA
Abiprubart anti-CD40 mAb
Blocks T cell activation
Reduction DAS28-CRP Wk 12 -2.2 vs. -1.6 PBO
Small sample n=25 per gpe
Safety profile acceptable
To be continued...
Abstr#OP0036 #EULAR2024 @RheumNow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

Substudy of SELECT-COMPARE trial
Week 60 immunogenicity RZV RA treated UPA 15 mg + MTX
✔️ HUmorale response 71%
✔️ Cellular response 65%
✔️ No serious AEs
✔️ One event of HZ occurred during follow up
Abstr#OP0020 #EULAR2024 @RheumNow
Aurelie Najm AurelieRheumo ( View Tweet)

Novel B cell depleters! Bispecific T cell engagers (BiTEs) being studied for #SLE & #RA as a way to get CAR-T cell like responses but more accessible w/less risk for CK release syndrome. #EULAR24
T cell-engaging therapies — BiTEs and beyond | Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
TheDaoIndex KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

I chaired great debate at #EULAR2025 - JAK Inhibitor Special Warnings: can observational data debunk an RCT? Drs Janet Pope(NO) vs David Liew(YES). Voting suggests most are concerned about JAK warnings, but Liew won by converting a minority his way @janetbirdope @Drdavidliew
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Nordic country analysis of mortality in RA (n 1145), RA-ILD (239), population ILD (378) & nl controls (1890) shows most mortality in pop ILD (HR 8.3), but less in RA-ILD (HR 3.6). Why is death less in latter; could it be RA therapies? Abstr #POS0022 # EULAR2025
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)