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Predicting Vasculitis Relapse
MedPage Today
Scores on a patient-reported sino-nasal symptom questionnaire were associated with subsequent flares of one type of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV), researchers said.
Read ArticleWindow of Opportunity in Psoriatic Arthritis
A Dutch Early Psoriatic Arthritis cohort study shows that psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients treated early (referred and diagnosed within in less than 12 weeks) had the best clinical outcomes.
Secondary Sjogren’s Ups Rheumatoid Arthritis Severity
A Swiss observational study has shown that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with concomitant Sjögren’s disease (SjD) are more likely to have a severe RA phenotype, and be less responsive to treatment.
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BIOBADASER registry 1128 RA pts Rx w/ 1st ts/bDMARD, Among the 9.3% w. multimorbidity they noted higher DAS28 dz activity, but no differences in ts/bDMARD retention rates betw those w/ and without multimorbidity
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Korean claims study of #RA & pregnancy (& adverse preg outcomes (APO), shows MTX or LEF use w/in 3 mos of conception assoc w/ incr. in APOs (aOR 2.14-.68). In 5728 preg: 1152 APOs, HCQ most commonly used, DMARD use decreased during preg.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Post-COVID MDs spend more time on EHR mostly messaging w/ patients, with a 157% increase from prepandemic average. Each additional patient message was associated with a 2.32-min increase in EHR time per day (P < .001), mostly messaging
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Naysayers & Disrupters
Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from the past week - including a few contrary reports on infection, seropositivity and plasmapheresis.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Autoimmune dz pts have higher risk of macular degeneration. Cleveland Clinic study of 200K AMD vs controls, finds:
- SLE (RR 1.73)
- Scleroderma (1.65)
- Psoriasis (1.48)
- Vasculitis (1.48)
- RA (1.4)
- UC &CD (~1.42)
- Sarcoid (1.42)
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

According to CDC, drug overdose deaths increased in 2022 - up to 107,941, ~1% higher than the nearly 107,000 overdose deaths in 2021. 70% of these are males. 2023 numbers are not yet final but appear to be stable...
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

CV Risk Early with Rheumatic Disease Diagnosis
A Finnish populaton study shows that the temporal relationship between cardiovascular (CV) comorbidities in rheumatic diseases (RMD) is seen early after the RMD diagnosis.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

2023 EULAR Psoriatic Arthritis Recommendations
EULAR has updated its treatment recommendations— The updated guidance includes 7 overarching principles and 11 recommendations regarding treatment strategy and pharmacological therapies.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Case of Delayed Rheum Diagnosis
The Washington Post recently published a case titled, "Medical Mysteries: A rolled ankle set this runner down a painful path", which tells the tale of how/why rheums are often not consulted or consulted too late.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Research on SGLT2 inhibitors in #gout is needed. They have been shown to reduce uric acid & gout flares, and may be uricosuric or be antiinflammatory. Also decreased incident gout (by half) among at-risk patients with type 2 diabetes (HR 0.54)
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Marketing research suggests that the global rheumatoid arthritis drug market was valued at USD $17.87 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach around USD 25.67 billion by 2032
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Marketing research estimates there were 1,389,116 prevalent cases of Ankylosing Spondylitis in 2017
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Chronic MSK Pain and Earlier Retirement
Frequent musculoskeletal pain is linked with an increased risk of exiting work and retiring earlier, according to a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

post hoc of the PEXIVAS study 704 participants w/ severe ANCA vasculitis: 92% achieved remission & 23% had relapses (rate 10.3/100PYs)-- Neither plasma exchange nor glucocorticoid tapering regimen impacted relapse risk.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Infection and Rituximab-linked Immunoglobulin Deficiency
A recent cohort analysis suggests that RTX-induced Ig deficiency was not associated with an increased risk of severe infection in IMID patients.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Series of Chronic Cutaneous Lupus responding to anifrolumab. 6 pts (4 DLE, 2 CCLE) betw 37-66 yrs old w/ Dz duration 10.5 yrs, 4 w/ SLE, all refractory to multiple therapies Rx w/ ANIF w/ Skin benefit. 1 developed herpes, 1 had worsening of nephritis
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Biden signs executive order on womens health research ($200 million to NIH interdisc. women res), focus on:
- integrate Women’s Health Across Federal Research prgs
- fund Research on Women’s Midlife Health
- double funding Office Womens Health Research
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)