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CD19 CAR T-Cell Therapy in Autoimmune Disease
The NEJM has published the results of CD19 B cell depletion (by CAR-T cell therapy) in autoimmune disease patients, demonstrating it to be feasible, safe, and efficacious.
Read ArticleEating for Rheumatoid Arthritis
The majority of practicing rheumatologists at RheumNow Live were unaware of the new ACR guidelines issued in 2022 regarding dietary and lifestyle recommendations for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Dr. Monica Guma reviewed these guidelines during her lecture on the impact of diet on disease activity and therapeutic response.
Read ArticleFive Takeaways in PsA/SpA at RNL 2024
Continuing with the theme of clinical pearls, the PsA and SpA speakers also provided a wealth of information. Here are my five key takeaways and clinical pearls.
Read ArticleARIAA Trial: Abatacept Delays the Onset of RA
The ARIAA trial tested the utility of IV abatacept in individuals ACPA+ arthralgia patients with subclinical inflammation and showed abatacept to decrease MRI inflammation, clinical symptoms, and risk of future rheumatoid arthritis (RA) development.
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