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Cochrane Review: How Good is Ultrasound Diagnosing GCA?
Is temporal artery ultrasound equivalent or superior to the reference standard of temporal artery biopsy when diagnosing giant cell arteritis (GCA)?
Read ArticleVasculitis Pearls
Once again RheumNow Live 2024 really delivered with high impact learning packed into short sessions. As someone with an interest in vasculitis it was fantastic to see four of my favorite speakers in the Vasculitis Mavens and STEP talks.
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APIPPRA Trial: Abatacept in at-risk rheumatoid arthritis patients
Abatacept has been studied in seropositive clinically suspect arthralgia patients (at risk for rheumatoid arthritis) and shows the potential to delay or prevent the disease.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

TLL-018 (oral dual JAK & TYK2 inhibitor) studied in chronic urticaria unresponsive to H2 blockers and was well tolerated and showed high efficacy in moderate-to-severe patients
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

5 yr prospective observational study of 246 pts w/ nonradiographic Axial Spa shows that 16% of nr-axSpA progressed to r-axSpA w/in 5 yrs. SI progression more likely w/ Male sex (HR 3.16), imaging sacroiliitis (HR 6.6), & good NSAID response (HR 4.6)
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Oral IL-23 Inhibitor Effective in Psoriasis
The NEJM has published the results of the FRONTIER 1 trial demonstrating the efficacy of JNJ-77242113, an oral interleukin-23 (IL-23) receptor antagonist peptide, in patients with psoriasis (PSO).
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Retrospective cohort analysis of 330 psoriasis pts - 83 (25%) developed #PsA after mean of 36 (3.5–114) mos. PsA Predictive factors include being female (OR=3.33), nails involved (OR=5.4), severe PSO (OR=27.4), po systemic Rx prior to PsA (4.1)
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Sarcoid arthritis (SA) seen in 19% of sarcoid pts. Metanalsysis of 49 articles (8574 pts) found Ankles most frequent (80%) followed by knees & wrists. Monoarthritis was uncommon (1%). Acute , 0-2, I2 55%). Acute SA (oligo & poly) was linked to E nodosum.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

In 551 juvenile myositis pts, 36% had myositis assoc Abs (MAA); 13% had >1 MAA. MAA+ pts had more overlap dz (18 vs 6%, p<.001) & assoc w/ Raynauds (OR 2.44), ILD (OR 3.43), chronic Dz (OR 1.72), mortality (OR 3.76). # MAAs was assoc w/ mortality (OR 1.83)
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Study of 43 SSc patients w/ gangrene shows Smoking Hx ; positive-ACA, ANCA, APL Abs & high ESR were independent risk factors for digital gangrenes in SSc. Vasculitis and macrovascular disease may contribute to the progression of digital gangrene
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Tonix is developing a drug, TNX-102 SL, that targets poor sleep quality for fibromyalgia. Phase 3 trial in FM (457 pts) showed TNX-102 SL was better (vs PBO) & improved sleep quality (p=0.0000001 & improved daily pain (p=0.00005)
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Taiwan National Health claims data looked at drugs & gout flares. Signif increase flares were seen w/ ASA, thiazides, loop diuretics, ethambutol, pyrazinamide (1.15-3.35) & metformin (SR=1.14). Lower risk w/ fenofibrate (SR=0.60) & losartan (0.92)
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Retro study of 1,169 pts (age 66 yrs) receiving intra-articular steroids & changes on A1C. A1C increases were assoc w/ higher baseline A1C (OR 1.84) for A1C 7–8 (vs <7%) or A1C >8% (OR 4.8 ). YET most patients do not experience increase A1C after IACS
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Brazilian registry of 1316 RA pts on bDMARDs or JAKi-Added use of antimalarials reduced SAEs & total AEs, & incr survival. 19% were on HCQ, & had signif less SAEs (mIRR: 0.49); AEs (0.68); serious infections (0.53); hepatic AEs (0.21); & mortality (P=.003)
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Could Weight-Loss Drug Improve Hip Replacement Outcomes?
The antidiabetic/weight-loss drug semaglutide either does or does not help patients undergoing THA avoid complications and other poor outcomes, according to 2 retrospective studies presented here.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

What are the Early Stages of Lupus?
Incomplete lupus? Undifferentiated connective tissue disease? Pre-clinical autoimmune disease?
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

5 yr prospective observational study of 246 pts w/ nonradiographic Axial Spa shows that 16% of nr-axSpA progressed to r-axSpA w/in 5 yrs. SI progression more likely w/ Male sex (HR 3.16), imaging sacroiliitis (HR 6.6), & good NSAID response (HR 4.6)
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

But MTX does not prevent CV events in cardiac rush pts (without rheum dz). Results of the CIRT trial. #RWCS24
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

DMARDs, MTX & TNFi can lower CV risk in RA pts. #RWCS24
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)

Marketing analysis of systemic sclerosis prevalence estimates, from 7 major countries, ~150,000 SSc pts in 2022 (47% from US; 20% Japan; 10% UK).
Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)