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When should we be starting therapy in GCA and PMR?
The problem with having therapies that work is that you then have to figure out what to do with them. You cannot hide behind a shrug of the shoulders, or the ambiguity of therapeutic inadequacy. The question that follows the presence of a therapy is the question as to how to best use it.
GCA and PMR are at the stage in the growth of their therapeutic development where this problem is moving to the front of mind, and it made for a fitting topic in the ACR Great Debate. Drs. Rob Spiera and Phil Seo - two luminaries in the vasculitis and PMR worlds - were pitted head to head to discuss.
Here’s what will change my practice in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Here's what I learned at ACR23 that will change the way I practice in rheumatoid arthritis.
Read ArticleWithdraw DMARDS after remission?
The possibility of withdrawing DMARDs after patients achieve remission has been in our minds for a while. Yet when our patients ask whether it is a good idea to taper or stop their DMARD when they are doing well, most of us don’t have a black or white answer for them.
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How early is early in psoriatic arthritis? Is there a window of opportunity for treatment in PsA to ensure optimal outcomes?