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ICYMI: VITAL Info on Autoimmune Disease (2.9.2024)
Dr. Jack Cush reviews the journal reports from the past week on Highlights are summarized by three songs: "Stairway to Heaven", "You're No Good", and "How Long (has this been going on)".
Read ArticleSedentary Behavior Increases the Risk of Gout
NHANES national survey study shows that sedentary behavior is an independent risk factor for gout, especially in those without hyperuricemia.
A Modifiable Vascular Risk in SLE
Atherosclerosis progression was more than twice as common in younger people with SLE than in healthy controls in a prospective study from Greece, but the rate difference narrowed substantially with sustained SLE remission and conventional cardiovascular risk factor management.
Read ArticleBest of 2024: BSR Guidelines for Systemic Sclerosis Management
The British Society for Rheumatology has updated its 2015 guidelines for the management of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) based on published evidence, systematic literature review and expert opinion.
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