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Best of 2024: Diagnosing Seronegative Sjogren's Disease
Sjögren disease (SjD) is highly prevalent, but diagnosis may be challenged if anti-SSA antibodies or a labial salivary gland biopsy are negative. A recent cohort analysis suggests a novel autoantibody profile has predictive value SSA negative SjD and also in those with a positive labial biopsy.
Read ArticleBest of 2024: Vasculitis Pearls
Once again RheumNow Live 2024 really delivered with high impact learning packed into short sessions. As someone with an interest in vasculitis it was fantastic to see four of my favorite speakers in the Vasculitis Mavens and STEP talks. They gave us what we really want from these talks – personal opinions and approaches that go beyond the guidelines. They really dropped a selection of pearls on us and I wanted to share a few of these with you.
Read ArticleBest of 2024: Determinants of Gout Flares
Approximately 12 million US adults in the US have gout. Two recent literature reports in JAMA and Arthritis Care & Research highlight contributors to gout flares.
Read ArticleBest of 2024: Prescription Painkiller Misuse in Chronic Pain Patients
A new scientific review of 148 studies enrolling over 4.3 million adult chronic pain patients treated with prescription opioid painkillers has found that nearly one in ten patients experiences opioid dependence or opioid use disorder and nearly one in three shows symptoms of dependence and opioid use disorder.
Read ArticleAbuse of the Safety-Net 340B Drug Programs
Dr. Madelaine Feldman has written an important commentary on the 340B Drug Pricing Program, a safety-net program that would allow vulnerable populations to receive expensive new therapies. But she points out that "this well-intentioned program has strayed from its original purpose", allowing certain hospitals and for-profit pharmacies to exploit the program.
Read ArticleICYMI: JAKi in inflammatory myositis?
Abstract 1731 is a small RCT of baricitinib in inflammatory myositis comparing early start baricitinib to later start.
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