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Will the Robots Save Ultrasound?
Despite all its benefits, ultrasound’s daily clinical use remains the domain of only a subset of interested rheumatologists. If the benefits are so clear, then why is it not universal? In the late-breaking oral abstracts at ACR Convergence, the final abstract presentation was from the Danish rheumatologists behind ARTHUR and DIANA: the robot which holds the MSK ultrasound probe, and the artificial intelligence brains which empowers it. Perhaps the robots will save us?
Read ArticleICYMI: Shifting Trends in Initial RA Treatment Approaches
A recent study by Sparks et al reveals evolving trends in DMARD usage for rheumatoid arthritis over two decades in the United States. This retrospective analysis evaluated 407,728 DMARD initiation episodes among 229,365 unique patients from 2001 to 2021.
Read ArticleACR24: Rheumatology Roundup
Join Drs. Jack Cush and Artie Kavanaugh as they review 15+ presentations and abstracts from the 2024 ACR Convergence meeting in Washington, DC.
Read ArticleICYMI: Taking CAR-T for a Test Drive
When the ACR Convergence 2024 abstract site went live, the first query I typed into the search bar was, “CAR-T.” I consider myself a CAR-T skeptic and would be surprised if the magical results from this NEJM case series replicate at scale, but it seems likely that CAR-T will revolutionize the care for (some) patients with rheumatic diseases.
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