Articles By Michael Putman, MD, MSCI

ICYMI: Taking CAR-T for a Test Drive
When the ACR Convergence 2024 abstract site went live, the first query I typed into the search bar was, “CAR-T.” I consider myself a CAR-T skeptic and would be surprised if the magical results from this NEJM case series replicate at scale, but it seems likely that CAR-T will revolutionize the care for (some) patients with rheumatic diseases.
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Is Your Practice Up to Date? New Guidelines for SLE Nephritis
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) drive guidelines; guidelines drive clinical practice. Because updated guidelines lag trials by many years and dissemination of guidelines takes additional time, rheumatologists often practice “behind the data.” The 2024 ACR Guidelines for the Management of SLE Nephritis reaffirmed many of our typical practice patterns, including hydroxychloroquine for all, renin/angiotensin blockade, and favoring mycophenolate mofetil over cyclophosphamide.
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ACR 2024: What Exactly do JAKs and TYKs Do?
Let me start by confessing something embarrassing: the immune system is just too complex for me to understand. I suspect the onslaught of new drugs with new mechanisms at ACR 2024 may have left many of you feeling similarly. This may be particularly true for the TYK/JAK/STAT signaling pathway, where each agent has a slightly-different combination of binding affinity to various JAK and TYK signaling dimers. In this article I want to share some diagrams from ACR 2024 that may help.
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Taking CAR-T for a Test Drive
When the ACR Convergence 2024 abstract site went live, the first query I typed into the search bar was, “CAR-T.” I consider myself a CAR-T skeptic and would be surprised if the magical results from this NEJM case series replicate at scale, but it seems likely that CAR-T will revolutionize the care for (some) patients with rheumatic diseases. What new data will be presented at ACR?
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