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Playing it Safe with RA? JAK vs. TNF Debate
Reported safety signals, at odds with the efficacy of these medications, have left rheumatology clinicians in a difficult position when considering when during a patient’s treatment course and in which patients, specifically, JAKi should be used. Two abstracts from ACR convergence 2024 further contribute to our understanding of this potential risk profile.
Read ArticleCognitive Impairment: The Hidden Burden in Lupus Care
Suppose you have a patient with lupus returning for follow-up. Their joint symptoms are well controlled. The kidneys—managed with a combination of biologic DMARD and mycophenolate—show no signs of active urinary sediment or protein. Yet, during the routine visit, your patient brings up fatigue and difficulty remembering things. How do you address this? Several studies presented at ACR24 focused on cognitive impairment in lupus.
Read ArticleA new score to quantify GCA inflammation?
The treatment paradigm for Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) has been a binary approach to the presence or absence of vasculitis. When GCA is present, we institute high doses of glucocorticoids for treatment of the inflammatory process. This approach is not well individualized to the patient as we do not account for the degree of inflammation that may or may not be present in the disease. Improved markers to stratify the extent of inflammation can help to tailor a more personalized approach to treatment.
Read ArticleUp-front Secukinumab in PsA?
We now have an absolute plethora of agents available for use in psoriatic arthritis (PsA). In contrast we have an almost complete lack of understanding of how best to optimise use of these agents – what is the right agent at the right time for the right patient. A study presented this week has given us some further information on the topic.
Read ArticleGender Differences in SpA
One of the hot topics during the meeting was gender differences in SpA. Three abstracts presented addressed issues related to these differences particularly in the aspects of treatment response and disease activity.
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Bella Mehta bella_mehta ( View Tweet)



Dr. John Cush RheumNow ( View Tweet)




